Major Product Release! Model 2D & 3D - Integrated PID Digital Smoker

SuperDave said:
I find it both curious and interesting that owners of old models are considering retrofitting the integral Auber vs. the plug & play version solely on perceived moisture resistance.  The cost differential for that upgrade just doesn't make sense to me. 

I don't know if it has been said that anyone is "solely" considering the retrofit because of moisture resistance.

And it is not "perceived" at all. It is a fact that the new integrated module is waterproof and the add-on Auber is not (without some type of addon cover).

I think the cleanness of the install and not having to have an extra piece to worry about is a benefit too.

And as far as I know we don't know the cost yet for the retrofit. So, I am not sure how you can make that decision already.
Cost, anyway you slice it, an Auber is going to be around $200.  The new SS lid will easily be in the $100 neighborhood.  But that is just my opinion.  Add other misc. parts and one is more than half way to a new model. 
You may be right. I'm just taking a wait and see attitude and will figure out what I'm going to do when I know how much the retrofit will cost and what other things I could do with that money. :)
SuperDave said:
Cost, anyway you slice it, an Auber is going to be around $200.  The new SS lid will easily be in the $100 neighborhood.  But that is just my opinion.  Add other misc. parts and one is more than half way to a new model.

Steve hasn't released the price yet, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. ;)
DivotMaker said:
SuperDave said:
Cost, anyway you slice it, an Auber is going to be around $200.  The new SS lid will easily be in the $100 neighborhood.  But that is just my opinion.  Add other misc. parts and one is more than half way to a new model.

Steve hasn't released the price yet, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. ;)
That ought to get the guys excited. 
So...  Any time frame for the retrofit kits? I'm tempted to get an Auber...  But don't want to do so if the retrofit kits will be out anytime soon. I notice that the new models of smokers are on the website, however the #4 is no longer on the website. Since it shipped with an Auber anyhow, is it just being held back until the 4D model is available? Just curious there, I'm not planning on buying a #4.

But...yeah... Looking to upgrade my #2... Need a test dummy for the retrofit kits?
I am still on the fence on the idea of either buying the new version of the smoker with the PID or retrofitting mine.

I like the idea that I can get the smoker past 250 degrees with the PID (I would like to try some briskets in the 275 degrees range). the PID.

On the downside, it is another electronic part that in time will fail. Without the PID, cost to keep the smoker is pretty cheap.

Right now I am in move mode (looking to relocated in the next few months), so for me I will wait and see how everyone likes the new model!

The increased temperature appeals to me also. The sales page on the 2D/3D says that it can go to 300°...that has me intrigued. 300 might be enough to get crisp sausage skin and chicken skin.
gregbooras said:
On the downside, it is another electronic part that in time will fail. Without the PID, cost to keep the smoker is pretty cheap.

Since it's now an SI controller, it's covered under the 3 year warranty. :)
va_rider said:
The increased temperature appeals to me also. The sales page on the 2D/3D says that it can go to 300°...that has me intrigued. 300 might be enough to get crisp sausage skin and chicken skin.

Actually rated to 375 now.
Yes. I want one. Sign me up.

I'm tempted to just order a new smoker to get my hands on this sooner....  But my wife would stab me in my sleep.
DivotMaker said:
va_rider said:
The increased temperature appeals to me also. The sales page on the 2D/3D says that it can go to 300°...that has me intrigued. 300 might be enough to get crisp sausage skin and chicken skin.

Actually rated to 375 now.

OK now this may be the game changer for me.....

Alright I am sold, if someone in the Florida area is looking for a #2 smoker with cover I will make you a good deal!

DivotMaker said:
... We should have a manual finalized very soon.
Just curious whether the manual is finalized?  I am thinking seriously about getting a 3D, but am not digital literate, so would need a good manual to get started.

Durangosmoker said:
DivotMaker said:
... We should have a manual finalized very soon.
Just curious whether the manual is finalized?  I am thinking seriously about getting a 3D, but am not digital literate, so would need a good manual to get started.
This forum is probably the best manual you could have, I say go for it!
Since the new version of the smoker can now heat to 375 degrees (If I remember right!) has anyone done chicken?

Thanks Greg
gregbooras said:
Since the new version of the smoker can now heat to 375 degrees (If I remember right!) has anyone done chicken?

Thanks Greg

I did 2 chickens in my #3 at 325, and it annihilated the skin.  It shrank so bad they looked like the cavemen in those old movies, just covered by tattered cloth!  I've gone back to no higher than 250 for all skinned poultry...we don't eat the skin anyways, and it comes out much better "dressed!"
DivotMaker said:
gregbooras said:
Since the new version of the smoker can now heat to 375 degrees (If I remember right!) has anyone done chicken?

Thanks Greg

Hey Tony,

I don't eat the skin either, but was wondering if this would make it crispy.

For me I am looking at the new model to be able to do briskets in the 275 degrees range, which it sounds like it should with no problem.

Thanks Greg

I did 2 chickens in my #3 at 325, and it annihilated the skin.  It shrank so bad they looked like the cavemen in those old movies, just covered by tattered cloth!  I've gone back to no higher than 250 for all skinned poultry...we don't eat the skin anyways, and it comes out much better "dressed!"