Major Product Release! Model 2D & 3D - Integrated PID Digital Smoker

wmakerrick said:
Did the new pricing come out or will we need to wait for the web site?

I updated the first post with the intro pricing, Rick.  They should be on the website this weekend.  We still need to do a little testing before they're shipped, though.
This is all great news, and congrats to Steve as he continues to evolve the product line!  I just have to find someone to buy my current #2 so that I can upgrade.  To bad that leasing was not an option...LOL
It is nice to see Steve not resting on his laurels and constantly looking at ways to improve the Smokin-It line.......but the more I think about it, I like turning a knob and letting my #3 do what it does so well.

It is a win-win deal no matter which version you choose  8)
swthorpe said:
This is all great news, and congrats to Steve as he continues to evolve the product line!  I just have to find someone to buy my current #2 so that I can upgrade.  To bad that leasing was not an option...LOL

List your #2 in the Buy, Sell or Trade section, Steve!  Leasing, huh?? there's an idea! ;) 
Saw this on facebook, man does that look great.  Bravo on the design and going with a proven device in Auber.  I would of definitely got one had they been available when I bought, but I am still very happy with my #3 with heatermeter that I say would take the most accurate claim down.  I see no decimal places.  :P  Just joking with you guys, this definitely is the king if you aren't a gigantic nerd and just want to buy something off the shelf.  Well done.

Since it looks like our smoker but with the Auber permanently mounted, I think I like the plug in idea better.
SuperDave said:
Since it looks like our smoker but with the Auber permanently mounted, I think I like the plug in idea better.

That's what makes it a horse race, Dave.  Personally, I have enjoyed the plug-in version because I've had no other choice (until now).  I find the clean design of the integrated weather-resistant controller kinda sexy! ;)  Plus, there's no bypass to perform, permanent probe mount, no dealing with extra cords, no trying to keep the weather out of my not-so-weatherproof Auber unit, etc...  "Off-the-shelf goodness".....for the same price as them separate! ;D
I just like the fact that when the Auber takes a dump, I'm not out of business.  And per your reply, it sounds like a slightly difficult replacement on the new unit.  I like my Auber a lot but I just don't trust it a lot, if that makes sense. 
SuperDave said:
I just like the fact that when the Auber takes a dump, I'm not out of business.  And per your reply, it sounds like a slightly difficult replacement on the new unit.  I like my Auber a lot but I just don't trust it a lot, if that makes sense.

It makes sense, Dave, but you misunderstood the post you referenced.  If the controller "takes a dump," as you put it, it's a few screws and you're back in business (it's the unit on top).  The retrofit kit, for original smokers, is more difficult because the heat sink is separate from the controller, and has to be installed.  I'll be doing a retro kit on my original "test model" digital #2 (from 2 years ago), and you'll see what I mean. 
I am looking forward to seeing how this retro-fit works, because I am strongly considering it depending on the price. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the new stuff coming out.
DivotMaker said:
SuperDave said:
I just like the fact that when the Auber takes a dump, I'm not out of business.  And per your reply, it sounds like a slightly difficult replacement on the new unit.  I like my Auber a lot but I just don't trust it a lot, if that makes sense.

It makes sense, Dave, but you misunderstood the post you referenced.  If the controller "takes a dump," as you put it, it's a few screws and you're back in business (it's the unit on top). 


I had the same thought that Dave had also about the controller failing. So just for clarity, do you mean that you can bypass the controller or you would need to replace the controller it to have the smoker function?

Thanks Greg
I think he means that you need to replace the controller but it is only a matter of a couple of screws to do so. 
Sorry about that, Mike!  Just too many variables, in a new product release, to let the cat out of the bag too soon.  Is the shipment going to arrive?  Will it work?  You know what I mean.  When we did the first digital prototype, which didn't work, we let folks follow the process from the beginning; that was a disaster for sales!  Then, the first try wasn't salvageable, so we had to start over.  Just couldn't let that happen again.  Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid some overlap folks.  The up side is, you have the same setup, just in 2 boxes rather than one!