Auto Tuning - Group Results

AUBER WSD 1200 GPH purchased 12/2015 /#2

Using a back yard stone paver, probably 2.5 lbs...placed on middle rack -  no water bowl - permanent probe about 1/2 inch below top rack (~4.25"below top) and checking against both Mav733 probes...

Bypassed #2
P = 72
I=  109
D=  277

Before bypass occurred (#2 all other things same)
P=  103
I=  115
D=  278

After bypassed tuning, I noticed that when setting up a program  C1 =  322*F -1.5 hours, it climbed to 327*/328* and maintained there for at least 25 minutes, before I manually lowered the C1 time to make it drop towards C2 = 235*F.  Is this normal to miss the target temp this much and stay there for that long?

*Also noticed that the MAV 733 probes read approx 14 and 20 degrees higher than AUBER , consistently, when temps are rising...and take around 1/2 hour to align with the Auber readout when falling/leveling from 322*F to target of 235*F.

Also noticed that when setting up a program  C1 =  322*F -1.5 hours, it climbed to 327*/328* and maintained there for at least 25 minutes, before I manually lowered the C1 time to make it drop towards 235*F.

Are these PID numbers in the ballpark/OK?  Wanting very much to tune this in tightly before my first "bypassed Auber" cook.
Hi NVW (by the way, a first name in your signature line is nice...much more personal),

Your numbers look way off, to me, for a #2.  Mine were:

P  62
I    902
D  112

I wouldn't worry much about the Maverick difference; that's probably due to probe placement.  This is one of the reasons the permanent probe is great.  If you use the drop in probe, where you put it will change it dramatically.  The only way to get your Mav to read the same as the wall probe would be to attach it right beside it. 

I'd try plugging the above settings in and try it.  These work great in my #2.  Not sure why your autotune numbers are so low for the "I" setting.

I don't know anything about the Auto-tune method, but what you are describing is a steady state error.  The I term is supposed to correct the steady state error.  With your I term being off I would say that would account for the error in the temp over a long time.
Just did another autotune with wet, 60*F sand in a 2lb loaf pan, 55* ambient temp - and a round 4lb landscape stone. 

P= 68

Sound better? 

I'll run a dummy load for 235*F for about 2.5 hours and see what happens.  THANKS for all the help, fellas.

^SS-M^N  ( = user name)
Everything worked out great with the dummy load, sand and stone.  I appreciate the help getting this baby dialed in and so far LOVE the Auber PID controller.

A pic of the dummy load (sand was still a little moist after the final autotune)


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Hello folks
I tried the auto tune last night with the permanent probe.
I placed two brinks at the top (cant believe how hard it is to find spare bricks in Singapore). Foiled in correct places, added the water.
My results came in as;
I am thinking my I figure is definitely wrong.
Any suggestions and a great big thanks for this wonderful forum of advice and suggestions.
Best regards
Mick, what unit are you running?  A foil pan of wet sand also works well as a heat sink.  Can we get more information like where your probe placement is? 
Hi Dave, I have a #2.
Probe is approx 3 inches from roof centred.
I have a WSD-1200GPH Auber.
The plain sand is harder to find than the bricks. In Singapore, you pay for everything. I might have to sneak to the beach and get a bucket!
I did soak the bricks in water.
I think I failed to program the PID first, I simply went to part 3. of the instructions (typical), I will re-soak, re-insert and do program first, then do the auto-tune.
I hope I get it right this time.
Best regards


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Hi Dave,
It has been running for approx 1 hrs on the program. The display keeps showing;
At 144-148 on the right and -H- on the left.
The maverick temp gauge shows 162....
Does that seem right?
Best regards
Hi Dave,
Sorry, it may seem Im stalking you, but it's the time difference.
OK, second auto tune completed.
As a side note, the auber kept showing 225 as temp once completed (no longer flashing), the Maverick said 235?
I cant say they were in the exact same position as I didnt open to check and inserted Maverick after start.
How do those numbers seem?
Best regards
Okay thanks guys. I ended up use sand and its working great! Prime rib pork butts all coming out great. Definitely was worth the money.
MicKM said:
Hi Dave,
It has been running for approx 1 hrs on the program. The display keeps showing;
At 144-148 on the right and -H- on the left.
The maverick temp gauge shows 162....
Does that seem right?
Best regards
It sounds like you are plugging the probe into the wrong port.  The left window is the box temp (Probe 1) on the back of the Auber.  The right window or Probe 2 port is the meat temp probe.
Hi Dave, no definitely in Port #1
Do the numbers seem off?
Best regards
It sounds like you are plugging the probe into the wrong port.  The left window is the box temp (Probe 1) on the back of the Auber.  The right window or Probe 2 port is the meat temp probe.
They seem somewhat off to me.  But do a test smoke with something inexpensive like a chicken and see how it runs.  I'm still very confused by your statement that the left window was an -H-.  That is the smoker box temp window and should be showing your smoker temperature.  Were you doing your auto tune with just one probe in or two? 
Hi Dave,
I think I have discovered I'm dyslexic!
Left side window was flashing with temp (numbers)
Right side showed the -H-
Sorry mate, just cant seem to get it right!!
Thanx so much for the feedback.
Best regards
MicKM said:
Hi Dave,
I think I have discovered I'm dyslexic!
Left side window was flashing with temp (numbers)
Right side showed the -H-
Just the one probe.
Sorry mate, just cant seem to get it right!!
Thanx so much for the feedback.
Best regards
Hi Dave
Re-did the auto tune with a setting at 220
Results came back as
P 57
I 600
D 365
So feeling much more confident.
Best regards