Auto Tuning - Group Results

Hi Mick!  Great to have a Aussie smoker in the club!  In Singapore, no less!!  Must have been quite a chore getting an SI to you!

Your latest autotune #s look pretty good.  I bet the difference you are seeing in your SI & Maverick probes are placement...a little difference makes a lot of difference, sometimes.  I can't recommend installing the wall-mount probe enough.  I believe it is essential to getting the most out of your Auber.  It absolutely takes away the placement errors that can occur with the drop-in.

When you get a minute, head over to the Introductions section and tell us a little about yourself - I bet it's a great story!  BBQ background, how an Aussie ended up in Singapore with a SI smoker, you know...just the basics! ;)

I really look forward to your take on our BBQ, and hearing about your recipes!
Hi Tony, thanx for the post.
Getting the Si #2 to Singapore and the step down transformer etc has been an experience.
I've just laid 8 racks in for this afternoons gathering, so I'm expecting a big result.
Hardest thing is to get wood here...
There's a great guy from the USa who's started a big smokin shack in Bali, so he's been a great help.

I will go to the page and a bit more indepth about Smokin in Singapore!
Thanx for th post, I've taken some snaps of the setup and ribs so will post.
Best regards
There hasn't been any #'s posted for a few yrs but since I'm using a #1 and I only saw one other in here thought I'd post 'em.

Yep David, the WSD-1200GPH. I've been procrastinating about it since last march and finally got everything wired in yesterday.
Bypass with an On-Off-On switch and wall mount probe. I'll try some ribs tomorrow and see how it does.
I ran a boiler house for a lumber co and they installed a PID setup 6-7 yrs before I retired that controlled fans,
drafts, and fuel supply. I think I remember enough to fine tune if I have to. I think....
Thanks, just tried a spare rib cook, programmed the Auber for 225* and an hour + later temp was at 213-214 and wouldn't go any higher.
I just switched back to the analog controller and using my Smoke probe I'm at 220* and rising. I'll try another autotune tomorrow and then
simulate a cook with the bricks and my smoke air temp robe in there also. Probably something simple. Like the operator....  :P
If bricks don't give you the results you are looking for, try a disposable pan of damp/wet sand.
Success! After switching back to the analog controller I couldn't get the temp over 236*! it was getting late so I finished
the ribs in the oven at 260*. Thinking about it I knew it should be running up to 265-275 with the controller set at 250.
Could the element be bad. No, looked at it and it was bright orange/red hot. It finally dawned on me that due to the short
cord on the Auber I was using a 6 ft heavy duty extension cord. Ran another autotune today (without the cord) and did a
simulated cook. It ran up to 227, dropped back to 225 and cruised along. It did the same thing at 250 and 275. I knew it
was something simple and I'm glad it was as easy as not using the extension cord.
Just got finished with my auto tune on my 3 , with my new Auber
The numbers I come up with
P 72
I 600
D 274
Two bricks and can of water
Does this sound about right? I know this is an old topic but just that I’d ask
Did a re tune this morning and got this reading
P 72
I 134
D 283
So different which one sounds right?
My numbers:  P-49, I-923, D-230
Model- cloned ss cabinet
55° ambient
5 bricks
No water or foil
1 hour 44 minutes to tune
For its size(akin to a SI 3.5) my numbers look in line with others.
Paul B
Auto tune numbers for my si3 with an auber ws1211.
Outside temp 50f, 2 patio paver bricks for heat sink.