Auto Tuning - Group Results

Here are my results:
SI #2 Auto Tune with new installed element (800 watt)
By passed with fixed probe mounted 2" from top
Auber WSD-1200 GPH
Air temp 77 degrees
Two bricks on 2nd shelf
Mini loaf pan/ hot water next to wood box
Foil on bottom of #2 and top of wood box

D=357, from what noticed in this group this D=357 seems high??
Redid the test for comparison.  Same set up. I gues I'm gonna have to try again in the morning

P=76.        ,
I= 11.....very strange number??

First test P=76, I=600, D=357

Mike said:
Redid the test for comparison.  Same set up. I gues I'm gonna have to try again in the morning

P=76.        ,
I= 11.....very strange number??

First test P=76, I=600, D=357

Something must have been off, Mike.  The I value is way off the mark.  Your first numbers looked much better.  Why did you do it twice?
Mike said:
D=357, from what noticed in this group this D=357 seems high??

I don't think it's too far out of line.  I'd run a "simulated" cook to test it.  Use the same setup as your autotune, but set C01 to 225 and time 2.0.  Zero all other steps.  Turn it on, and see how it holds temp.
Will do, the reason I did again was because of the 357 didn't come close to any of the posted results?

I'll run it again in the morning and see if it holds..

Gotcha, Mike.  I should have picked up on that. :-[  I'd still do a simulated cook before an autotune.  I think your "I" number will work.
Tony, I did the sim. And the Auber/SI2 held at 225 with no issues..I believe I'm good to go and by the way the new element heated up fast

I did recheck my numbers without running an auto tune, these numbers seem right in line with most.... I wonder where did that "11" come from??  Maybe one too many beverages and not wearing my reading


Great, Mike!  I put the 800 in the ol' #2 last weekend, and boy, does that sucker heat up fast!  I did a strip clean (EZ-Off about once a year) and re-season, and was up to 250 in less than 20 minutes!  More to follow on all I did to the smoker last weekend! ;)
I finished by autotune today on my #3 with a perm temp sensor (1 1/2" from top center), Stock control and WSD-1500GPH:

90* ambient, 6 medium bricks (Tried to approx. sixe of brisket),
2nd shelf from the top, water pan, drip pan, foiled bottom and wood box

P: 72
I: 600
D: 271

My results seem a bit different that others.  Does it look OK?  Should I have used 3 bricks like others?

Also the unit did not turn off when done and stayed at 140 WAY longer than 30 minutes.  I am not sure if the autotune was still flashing when it switched to 225.  I checked the menu and the AT was = to 0 so I think I should be OK for my next smoke. 

I am doing a brisket tomorrow  Can I do an autotune on my normal brisket program?
Ron, the unit doesn't turn off when done autotuning, it just goes back to the regular program (not flashing At).  Also, when it goes to step 2 (225), it's probably not done.  It will continue until it finishes, regardless of the step. 

You can autotune with any program.  Try it with your normal brisket program, if you want.  I'd probably just try a cook with the settings you got, and see how it does, before re-doing the tune.
Thanks Tony!

So if it was no longer flashing AT and I turned it off while still in my program did I still get good numbers?

Was the 6 bricks to many?
Ron, if it stopped flashing, you were OK to turn it off...that means it was done.  No problem with 6 bricks, either!
Ron, I've done 2 auto tunes and both stayed at 140 for the entire auto tune period.  My auto tunes both took a little over 1 1/2 hours which as you say was much longer than program 1 was set.  All is good on the working end though.  You should be fine tomorrow for a test cook.
It's interesting it never makes it to program 2. It makes me wonder should we start the 1st program at 225 so it would test at the temp we normally smoke at.
The program really doesn't matter, Ron, so long as there is a program.  The older units tuned a little differently than the new GPH models.  I may modify the autotune instructions to reflect that.
Wik, great thread; I suggest making this a sticky.
I have some data points to contribute.

I received a WSD-1500GPH this week and got the wall-mount probe installed on my SI3, 3/4" from the top of the chamber with a 1/2" spacer behind the rear wall.  Started playing with it.  Here's what I got:

ContributorPIDSI ModelAir TempMeat/LbsStart/EndByPassedNotes
Valid Range1-9990-9990-999
FunkedOut106999734#390FemptyStartYesset temp = 100F; auto-tune = 5.5 hours; no wood
FunkedOut80765191#390FemptyStartYesset temp = 200F; auto-tune = 1.5 hours; no wood
FunkedOut72510127#390FemptyStartYesset temp = 300F; auto-tune = 1.5 hours; no wood
FunkedOut57441110#390FemptyStartYesset temp = 400F; auto-tune = 1.4 hours; no wood

I want to point out the values I put in the Valid Range row. 
Both, the manual on the auber site (v.1.0) and the manual that is on the CD included with the unit (v.1.5) list the "Range" for P, I and D the same as the values you listed in your original post.  However, when playing with the unit, I am able to set the P, I and D values anywhere from 0/1-999.  The 100F auto-tune yielded results for both I and D that are out of that range.

Looks like when trying to tune with the set temp (100F) only 10F above the ambient temp (90F), the unit calculated a value for I approaching infinity.  This says the SI3 is outside of its operating range in those conditions; cold smoking conditions.  I need to try an auto-tune with set temp to 100F and the cold smoking plate and a block of ice...

I hypothesize that increased airflow, say by adding a small fan blowing air into the chamber would have similar impacts to the PID values as does increasing the set temp.
Increased temperature results in more convection (airflow) which slows down the heating of the box a bit and also cools it down faster.
The difference between a fan and increased temp is the difference from ambient temp.  The higher the temperature of the chamber, the greater the temperature difference, the faster the chamber will cool down towards ambient.
Maybe a fan would bring the SI3 into proper operating conditions under cold smoking conditions.

While I am on the airflow discussion, I would like to bring up that I have an extra drip hole at the rear of my SI3 bottom, doubling my airflow and changing the system behavior a bit.  This hole is where I plan to enlarge and add a fan.
Although, at the moment (just before adding the auber), the SI3 was making great BBQ.  8)
I don't want to mess up a good thing.

Collected a couple more data points after enlarging my rear airflow hole to 5/8" (front drip hole is still 3/8"):

ContributorPIDSI ModelAir TempMeat/LbsStart/EndByPassedNotes
Valid Range1-9990-9990-999
FunkedOut49407101#383FemptyStartYesset temp = 400F; auto-tune = 1.4 hours; no wood
FunkedOut4538997#383FemptyStartYesset temp = 400F; starting temp = 400F; auto-tune = 1.4 hours; no wood
Although I don't have a fan, enlarging the hole certainly increased airflow and had the same effects on the PID values as increasing the set temp.  Compare my previous post entry for set temp = 400F.

Today's second entry is almost identical to the first.  The only difference between the two is that the second entry was the result of an auto-tune initiated with the smoker already at the set temp (400F).  I was wondering if the initial warm up and overshoot was affecting the auto-tune calculations so I ran this second auto-tune to test the theory.  Such small differences in value indicate that the auber is not affected by starting at 0F and climbing up to temp.
Interesting data, Funk, but I would caution you against using a 400° setpoint.  According to Steve, the box is not rated higher than 350°, so you are risking damage, going to 400.
Limey said:
Although in some earlier posts he indicated that 500 degrees was OK.

Please find those posts.  I have discussed this with Steve, and the factory engineers have stated 350 as the rating.