We like BBQ. We like fishing. What about guns?

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Hopefully, you'll make it out there, Jason!  Yeah, that whole "what goes up, must come down" thing is a little scary, when shooting into the air!  Anyone who actually does that has to be a complete moron!  The bullets don't just disappear!! :o
It has been pushed back to Sunday  ::)

My Wife spent a little too long out and about today. I have been prepping for tonight and tomorrow's cook and now don't feel like going :(

I still have to go to Sam's today to get some stuff. I should've went to work, it's less work than what I have been doing all day, lol.
Well folks, we finally went and shot the pistols. The verdict? I suck harder than a Dyson! I have a looooooong way to go before I can be Doc Holiday that's for sure. I think it's all about trigger control. I got better the more I shot, but my first 20-30 rounds were NOT going where I was pointing. If my target were to have been an actual human, I do believe that his crotch and thigh area would be but a distant memory or if he were to be facing away, I literally would be putting caps in his arse! :P :)

Here is my target, laugh if you must :)

I guess on the bright side, if I were firing hollow points, I would've stopped the threat.....eventually!

My wife did much better than I did! At first she wasn't even going to do it. When we got there and she heard how loud the guns were she got a little worried. She was also worried about the recoil. I have to say, these little 9s pack a little kick! I don't know if a longer barrel would make it have less recoil but being a sub compact pistol, it pops! I imagine that it being so short makes it louder to boot?

Mrs. RG not taking any lip from the bad pink man!

She got'em!

Now she's jonesing to go back to shoot! We shot about 60 rounds each. I went online and ordered 2 more 8 rounds mags and 500 rounds of ammo last night! When that stuff comes in, I'll head back. I am going to see if I can book some training for us as well. I sure as heck need it!
Not to worry, that's why we practice.  Those sub-compact guns though are very difficult to shoot if you're even thinking about bullseyes because the short barrel provides a lower degree of accuracy and the smaller grip makes it harder to hold correctly.  On the other hand, if you can get on an 8x11 sheet of paper and you aim for the sternum...that's a threat stopped.
The subcompacts are terrible guns to shoot regularly for fun.  I pretty much only do it to keep up practice with my carry weapons.  Definitely get something bigger if you want a more accurate fun shot.

Before the idiot rush on 22 ammo, getting something like a MKIII would be the fun way to go plinking for cheap.

So....if I can get decent at shooting the little Nano then I should do better with a full sized 9mm or 40/45 ?

It's a wee lad of a pistol, bigger than a 380. My Dad has a Bersa Thunder that is smaller and I've looked at a Beretta Pico and it was tiny too. I do like the feel of his 40 Glock and S&W 40, more comfortable for sure. Since I will be carrying the Nano, I figured I better learn how to shoot it versus a gun that I would not be carrying. I may get another pistol soon just for range use though ;) It will be easier to buy once I receive my CCW permit so I'll wait until then to look. The range I go to rents guns for $8 so you can try different ones to see how you like them if you're interested in buying one. You have to use their ammo though and I do believe they mark it up a fair amount :(
Not to go all "Mall Ninja" as they call it but I just ordered some shooting gloves. I don't care if they are "Tacti-cool" or not, that little pistol rubbed a raw spot on the top of my thumb yesterday. I have tough hands, scarred from years of plumbing but the area that got rubbed was not a calloused part of my hands, lol. So I will be looked at as a dork (from what I've read on shooting forums) but I don't care. It's not a fashion statement, just a preventative measure. I also hope it allows me a better grip, my dang hands got sweaty and I kept fogging up my glasses to boot! Maybe I need some Rain-X anti fog on those suckers :)

It was hot in that place. I told the dude at the counter and he said they had all fans going. Maybe they need to add intake fans to the mix instead of all exhaust fans? When it's 90+ outside and as hot or hotter inside, that's a bad thing to have sweaty hands holding a pistol methinks.
Not necessarily.  Each type of gun can be a different animal. 

Why is getting your CCW permit going to make getting other guns easier?  Pretty much the same with or without it.  Background check or in person/gun show purchases.  No reason to wait for a permit to let your inner gun nut out.

Only time I use gun store ranges is to try different pistols.  I like rifles too much for using them.  Look for a gun club with outdoor ranges if you don't have land for it.

Hey RG, maybe you can find one of those hats with a fan on the bill.  :D Seriously, keep practicing with your CCW version and get comfortable with it. You may find you need to get a different weapon for you than your wife since you have bigger hands. Also, the larger weapons, even if you stay with 9mm will give better accuracy since they counteract the recoil better. Momentum and all that....
Trip, having the license means I don't have to wait in store for the background check. It's just a time saver thing, not much of a big deal really. I can order guns online and have them sent to the pawn shop up the road since they have the needed FFL license. With the license, I pop in, get the gun and leave. No 10-20 minute wait looking at used chainsaws and cheap jewelry.
BedouinBob said:
Hey RG, maybe you can find one of those hats with a fan on the bill.  :D Seriously, keep practicing with your CCW version and get comfortable with it. You may find you need to get a different weapon for you than your wife since you have bigger hands. Also, the larger weapons, even if you stay with 9mm will give better accuracy since they counteract the recoil better. Momentum and all that....

Yep, I found a cheap 9mm full sized pistol online. It's a Taurus (I know they get a bad rap). I've read a lot of really good reviews on it, the first run they made of it was not good but they fixed the issues and it seems to be a solid weapon and for $200.00 hard to beat. I don't recall the model # off of the top of my head but maybe I'll try it. I can get a Glock for $400.00 or less, maybe that'll be the way I go. Who knows?
RG said:
Trip, having the license means I don't have to wait in store for the background check. It's just a time saver thing, not much of a big deal really. I can order guns online and have them sent to the pawn shop up the road since they have the needed FFL license. With the license, I pop in, get the gun and leave. No 10-20 minute wait looking at used chainsaws and cheap jewelry.

Ahh, that's a Georgia thing, you have to do background checks at dealers every time no matter license or not in Tennessee.
Taurus gets a bad rap because so many are worried about saying "This here gun cost me $XXX" where higher is better.  I know several people with Taurus 9mm and not a one of them has ever experienced an issue.  I run into a slightly less severe version of the same thing with my Rugers but I like em and they just work so...meh, who cares. 

I did the same thing regarding rentals this last time around and shot 10 or so 9mm before settling on the SR9c.  I really liked the feel of the Springfield XD but my grouping was nearly twice the size of the Ruger so guess which one I got LOL.
I love my XDs, great feeling handgun.  I replaced my sights though.  Have a Ruger LCP and LC9 as well though.  ;D
Our Sheriff's Department is having department wide issues with the XD's. Failure to feed consistently on the last three rounds in the magazines. I am no longer there so I don't know how they are dealing with Springfield but I know the guys don't trust them.
Jason, y'all did a pretty good number on Pink Man!  Considering the long range you were practicing at, and the fact it was your first time with new nano-pistoles, I would have graded you very well, and would have been pleased with the "starting point" for instruction!

Here's a couple of recommendations:  First, practice with those itty-bittys at a more practical distance.  You should be starting out no more than 5-10 feet away.  This is a very "close quarter" firearm, and if you ever have to actually use it, it'll most-likely be that close!  Then, increase to 5 yards, then 10.  You will not get accurate placement at much farther than that, with those short barrels.  A very experienced shooter could, but you all have a ways to go for that.

Second - get Mrs. RG to loosen-up a bit!  She looked like she could have run those arms through a brick wall!  Don't lock the elbows - it creates a lot of muscle tension, which reduces accuracy.  Do a little research on different grips and stances for pistol shooting. 

Third - I agree with the comments about buying a larger-frame pistol for fun target shooting.  While you need to get good with the nanobots, if you intend to carry them, realize the limitations of them, and what they are for; saving your life, or the life of another in a real situation.  Practice at close range, and from the way you intend to carry it.  Don't just stand there and pop a bunch of rounds.  Instead, slowly practice drawing and firing 2-3 rounds "center mass" until it gets very smooth.  Then, work on increasing speed.  Speed will come with proficiency and practice!

For a larger frame weapon, I'm pretty "old school," and many people don't agree with me.  First, the most reliable range guns you can have fun with are full-frame Smith & Wesson revolvers!  Yes!  Wheel guns are more reliable than ANY semi-auto, and you can pick them up used much cheaper.  Second, for semi-autos, I'll never own a "Tupperware" gun (plastic frame)...Don't start the barrage, guys - just giving my opinion!  This why I like 1911 .45 ACPs, and pistols like S&W full-frame (older) 4046 (stainless, .40 cal), Sigs, Rugers, etc.  Basically, any steel-frame pistol.  Plastic goes in the grips, not the frame.

OK, now that I've probably shared a dollars-worth of my "2¢," I'll stop now! ;) 
+1 on everything that Tony says. I carry a small frame S&W wheel gun even though I have a couple of Walther PPKs. I guess DM and I are the last of the old guard.
Roger, I also love my Dad's '69 Colt Detective Special for carry.  They really knew how to build them back then!  I refinished it with GunKote (KG Industries), and I love it.  Great little 2", easy to carry.


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In the smaller guns weight help also, makes them not a snappy...
These are my daily carry guns, when you start to carry one thing you might want to look at is get all the same styles of gun,,, all mine are auto, single action with a thumb safety that way no matter what i have on my hip the muscle reflex it the same, when the SHTF you really don't need to think just react,,,,oh and when you start to group here is a little info to help you get right on target...
Have fun and practice a bunch..


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