The Meater (wireless meat thermometers) - Kickstarter project

SconnieQ said:
dibiase said:
You will definitely have to post you feedback once you finally get yours.  I am very curious about these.

There are several of us on the forum who backed the original kickstarter campaign. I have a feeling there will be a lot of butts and briskets smoking that first weekend. Sounds like those who ordered the single probe model with get theirs first. Then the Meater Blocks will come about a month later. I ordered the Meater Block. So I won't be the first to test these out.

I was an original campaign sponsor for a Meater Block too. Sounds like our wait is until the end of October/Early November. I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. This will be really nice to keep track of Snack Stick temps which will let me know when I will need to rotate my trays as I will be able to temp sticks on a few trays at a time.
33 | Friday Night Meats
Apption Labs

Howdy everybody! After discovering production issues during our first pilot production run, as mentioned previously, we completed updating our assembly rigs and optimized the process. The second pilot production using our new solution has been underway and we look to finish the run next week. Teemu will be traveling to the factory on Monday to QA the 2nd pilot production results and personally oversee mass production. If the new units pass inspection, we can ramp up production and bump up batch quantities. With that said, we are still on track to begin shipping MEATERs mid-October.

In other news, we are still constructing assembly rigs for MEATER Block. Since our focus was on MEATER the past few weeks, we can start to turn our attention to MEATER Block. To show you an example of changes made during our redesign for manufacturing phase, here's an image of the old MEATER Block and the newer model. You'll notice that the previous MEATER Block was two separate bamboo pieces whereas the latest model is constructed with one solid piece. This was changed to streamline the construction, assembly of the electronics, parts and, ultimately, a smoother manufacturing procedure. The finish of the bamboo is lighter in color and more textured, giving MEATER Block a more natural feel, similar to MEATER's aesthetics. We are still estimating shipments of MEATER Blocks mid/late November. 


Redesigning to make things better!

Regarding beta testing, the first small set of beta testing units have arrived and we'll be getting results from their rigorous testing the following week. We'll be releasing more beta units in small quantities, so sit tight if you are a beta tester. Thank you in advance to our testers who will help improve MEATER!


Things are moving along, at about 81.4%, in the fulfillment department. We are working with our fulfillment company with the onboarding process that involves paperwork, testing the fulfillment software with our inventory software, deciding shipment sizes (i.e. carton/pallet specifics), and selecting specific warehouse locations to optimize shipping! The remaining work will be in selecting an optimal freight forwarding company that has the experience, customer service, and good communication with our supplier as well as our fulfillment house. And of course, the very last bit will be the most important part - fulfilling our crowdfunding pledges to you.

Getting product certifications has been ongoing and at about 63.7%. Our goal is to have FCC certification in early October and CE certification mid-October (by product launch, of course!).

Keep the meat juicy, and don't forget to check the injury list before you play that star Running Back.

Laces out,
Joseph, Teemu, and Team Apption Labs
I think to be realistic, as I've been saying all along, 2017 delivery. Here's the latest update. I think everyone is getting tired of the "tiny" timeline setbacks over and over. I wish they would just be more realistic, and not keep pushing back week by week. I think I mentioned in my last post, that their previous timeline didn't seem realistic at all to me, unless all of the beta testers had NO problems.

34 | The MEATnificent Seven

Greetings everyone! We’ve been diligently working to assure progression in delivering the best MEATER products from hardware to software. As stated in our previous update, Teemu is currently in Taiwan inspecting samples from our 2nd pilot production run. After careful examination, slight adjustments were needed. The issues do not pose major problems, but unfortunately will cause a delay in mass production.

We are currently working to have a handful of test units at the end of the week to send out to our UK and US engineering teams for testing. If these upcoming units pass our inspection, we'll be releasing more from this batch as beta units. Teemu has an extended stay in Taiwan so that he can personally oversee production and resolve any further issues. If all goes according to plan without any issues within the test batch, we are estimating the first shipment of MEATER for our backers as early as November and our goal to have the bulk of mass produced units shipping in December. Once we've begun mass producing MEATER probes, we will shift our focus to MEATER Block. With supply chain and probe production already established, it should be a very smooth transition to full production. As soon as we have shipping estimates for MEATER Block, we will send out an update at that time.

We've gotten initial feedback from our beta testing program! It’s very exciting as we're getting MEATER into the hands and grills of actual backers and not just the team that's behind the creative process. We're taking notes and modifying the app to make the MEATER experience more intuitive, user-friendly, and overall a more enjoyable cook. These adjustments so far include the minutest details in the software interface/layout, ease of instructions, streamlining the app usability, and various debugged items. Our iOS beta testers have been cooking with MEATER and the native Android app is just around the corner. We're looking to launch the iOS version of the MEATER app in stores in late October, and the Android version released a week after that.

We're still in the middle of searching for our perfect freight forwarder. The good news is we're in contact with several companies and are waiting to hear back with pricing quotes so we can evaluate further and compare services.

In other areas of company development, we're looking into integrated support systems that we can utilize once we have our official product launch. A good support/help system will integrate with our online shopping cart, social media messaging, have live chats, advanced messaging, app availability; all the better to serve our fanbase.

Thank you always for the strong support system,

Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs squad
I wish them the best!  If they finally do, actually, make delivery, and it is a durable (over time) as they say, I will be an owner!  I just can't help but take a "wait and see" approach to this, though.
DivotMaker said:
I wish them the best!  If they finally do, actually, make delivery, and it is a durable (over time) as they say, I will be an owner!  I just can't help but take a "wait and see" approach to this, though.

I'm not surprised with the timeline. I think they were overly optimistic from day 1. Part of the problem is that they were so over-funded ($2.5 million when they asked for $100,000), that I think they started to rethink and expand the product. The launch will make or break this, so I'm sure they want it perfect. In the meantime, I've happily got it covered with my Maverick. It's not like there's another comparable wire-free option out there that I could buy instead. And as much fun as an app, cloud and graphing will be, it's not an urgent need, so I can be patient.
ive got to keep an eye on this, I was just about to buy the thermoworks smoke, but this may be what I end up with if its everything we all hope it will be.
Greenenvey said:
ive got to keep an eye on this, I was just about to buy the thermoworks smoke, but this may be what I end up with if its everything we all hope it will be.

It's a risk, but I proudly funded this with a Meater Block. Whether the internal probe components can stand the test of time (heat cool heat cool), I don't know, but I'll be darned if I'm not going to fund their effort to at least try! If the technology is impossible at this point, then I'm still proud to at least give it the financing that is required to explore it, for the sake of all bbq fanatics, as well as a very obvious benefit which is the rotissserie!
35 | Edward MEATERhands

Hello everyone! From the last update, a handful of new probes were sent to the UK and U.S. for further testing. The probes arrived safely and have been used in some real-life situations: cooking dinner!


Extensive testing with many meats!

Here's a video of MEATER making friends with a chicken.

For over a month, Teemu has been spending his time away from home, at the factory to commandeer production and is still there working tirelessly performing tests and optimizing the assembly process.

Inspecting PCBs. MEATER's components are tiny!

Based on the positive results of the recent U.S./UK testing of the new MEATER probes, we are one step closer to the first large production batch of MEATER. Joseph will be traveling to the factory with the intention to sign off on production together with Teemu, which will be a major milestone for the campaign. We'll make sure to capture this magical process on camera and share them with you on the next update.

Regarding CE certification, MEATER is currently undergoing ESD (electrostatic discharge) testing and we expect to have this part of the test completed by the time Joseph arrives at the factory. Progress is being made!

Thanks all, we can't wait to share the status of production and the progress made in the coming weeks. If it's all looking good, we can start shipping MEATER to backers end of November with the goal of shipping the bulk of the MEATER units in December. As previously stated, we'll focus on the MEATER Block the moment MEATERs have begun mass production.

Have safe, scary, and sugary Halloweens!

Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs team
I don't blame you one but I have no problem taking a risk, I'm a farmer we do it every day lol! it just looks amazing, and exciting!! id love to have it!!
SconnieQ said:
Greenenvey said:
ive got to keep an eye on this, I was just about to buy the thermoworks smoke, but this may be what I end up with if its everything we all hope it will be.

It's a risk, but I proudly funded this with a Meater Block. Whether the internal probe components can stand the test of time (heat cool heat cool), I don't know, but I'll be darned if I'm not going to fund their effort to at least try! If the technology is impossible at this point, then I'm still proud to at least give it the financing that is required to explore it, for the sake of all bbq fanatics, as well as a very obvious benefit which is the rotissserie!

I am with Kari 110% on this. I was an initial Meater Block funder and have zero regrets about doing it. I am getting pretty anxious to get my hands on one though. :)

Assuming that it works and works well and holds up, I am not aware of any other options that will have anything to compete with it.
They have been providing pretty regular updates and appears to be moving along.

Did you get a Meater Block? Or the single probe model?

The last I saw from them on 12/5/16, they were supposed to start shipping some single probe units to original backers in December.

Based on their schedule, I am guessing we'll be getting another update pretty soon and hopefully they will be telling us that they started shipping the single probe units and are working on the Meater Blocks.
39 | The Wolf of Wall MEAT

MEAT the Android App
We now have the MEATER app available for the Android platform! Get to know the app before we begin shipping. Check it out!

For the iOS app, check out this link.


[size=18pt]Beta Test[/size]
Our 2nd round of beta testing has been underway! We've learned a lot more this round on how to improve the user experience and we're working hard to squash the bugs before you receive your units. Here are the latest pictures from some of our beta tester's cooks.

Testing, 1, 2, meat...


Production Update
With encouraging feedback from our beta testers, we are confident in moving forward with a batch of MEATER units to be completed by the end of next week. This set will undergo a new and stricter QC process that includes the UK and U.S. offices for further testing to ensure the highest quality standard.

We are continually finding ways to improve and fine tune MEATER probe production and will gradually increase batch quantities. We have not yet reached mass production but aim to start fulfilling your pledges at the end of this month (starting with the units mentioned above). When MEATER is being fulfilled to our backers, we will have a better idea of a delivery estimate for MEATER Block.

Thank you so much for your strong support that allows us to confidently progress in our production of MEATER. We're putting in the hard work and innumerable hours in completing our campaign and are grateful for you sticking by us.

All the best,
Joseph, Teemu, and everyone at Apption Labs
va_rider said:
App apparently isn't compatible with my device.... which is a Pixel XL. That's a bit disconcerting.

This is the first release of the app. So, hopefully they'll continue updating the app and it won't be a problem when the Meater Blocks are shipped.
The iOS app was done first, so that one is probably working, but since there is no product to use it with, I have not bothered to download it yet. Maybe I will now just to check it out. This is the first round with the Android app, so I'm sure it's gonna need some tweaking.

41 | Beauty and the MEATs
By Apption Labs (Creator)

Howdy all! We have exciting news so read on through!

It's happening!! We are wrapping up our beta testing program and have begun reaching out to our very first early backers who pledged for single probe MEATERs to confirm addresses! Although this batch is a small one, we’ll ramp up at every production run to ensure only quality products come out of the factory! We plan to ship this small batch no later than March 10th.
We sincerely apologize to MEATER Block-only backers, but we expect perfecting the Block to be a lot smoother than the probe since you don’t put the Block in the oven. We've begun transitioning resources to continue work on MEATER Block and as soon as we have new information regarding ship dates, you will be the first to know!

Why it's taking so long...
In our production phase we've run into unforeseeable obstacles that have led to delays. Building MEATER wasn’t easy but we’ve met the challenges head on and we’re that much closer to producing products in larger quantities. Below is only one example of many issues we’ve managed to resolve over the course of the year. 
Our components are so tiny we had to use a third-party laboratory, with access to high-end super microscopes, to help us identify the root causes of our quality issues. It may seem trivial, but it was only made clear to us the differences between good units and the not-so-good units after the analysis.


Top: Bad unit. Bottom: Good unit.


To put things into perspective, here’s a normal sized finger (not a banana) for scale:
The diodes are 0.6mm x 0.3mm in size!

Beta and the Beast
One great thing about beta testing is we get people testing MEATER in ways we have not done. For example, we'd gotten questions whether MEATER could be used for baking cakes, breads, and pastries. Fortunately, one of our beta testers is great at making cheesecake (and also great at assembling rigs to hold MEATER) and wanted to see if MEATER could endure baking.


DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Through beta testing, we can confirm that MEATER should only be used for meats! (As it was designed for). Though the probe survived and is currently functioning, cheesecake is not the best thermal insulator. Lesson learned! Stick to the meats. Like this one here.


Cracklin' chicken over a medley of beans. Or this one.


Get that pork belly in my belly!


MEATER has been tested in rotisserie pits as well! Solid box of steel.

If you need the extra range, you can always use MEATER Link - which extends your range over the WiFi network. Read Update 40 to watch the MEATER Link instructional video.
Thank you again and we can’t wait to get these MEATERs into your hands.

We're warming up,
Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs Team
Let's Meat Up
By the time we get these it should only be 1.5 years beyond the initial target. :-) Good thing I'm patient in regards to this.
TmanEater said:
By the time we get these it should only be 1.5 years beyond the initial target. :-) Good thing I'm patient in regards to this.

I hear ya Tony. I am just hoping that the good old Maverick et-733 holds out until this thing ships. I am still remaining cautiously optimistic.

I will say, that this was my first Kickstarter purchase, and this experience is going to make me very wary about doing another one unless it is something like this one that I REALLY want.