The Meater (wireless meat thermometers) - Kickstarter project

Looks like we now have a new estimated date of June/July. Hopefully this date sticks!  :)

Note from the Apption Lab team


Behold: The fully assembled MEATER Probe!
Gorgeous hand model and assembled MEATER Probe!

We received the new ceramic handles last week and have begun evaluating the mechanical assembly. Our test results are looking fantabulous so far proving that our latest mechanical design is robust. There are still plenty of tests to go through and we will keep hammering at it (figuratively)!

Torque results: 20kg-F/cm (44lbs.-F/cm) on the handle. What does this mean? Super strong assembly!

In parallel, we’ve continued our hardware/electrical validation of the newly designed probe PCB including BLE antenna performance. The results so far are what we calculated, giving us more confidence in the current design. We would like to show you more of how we assemble and validate the product but would like to err on the side of caution to ensure our design and processes remain a trade secret until the product is actually shipping.

Once we finish validation (mechanical and electrical), we will begin the CE and FCC certification process =)

We are now producing 10x more units than we originally planned and certain processes needed to change in order to accommodate the increased volume. The changes have added delays but at the same time, the volume gave us leverage with vendors to improve the components and design of MEATER. With that said, we estimate the delivery world-wide to be in the June/July time frame.

Thank you for hanging in there, we appreciate your patience very much! We have been working “sleepless” nights to make sure MEATER “meats” your expectations. We’ve set the bar very high because we are doing something that has never been done before, and of course, we will never sacrifice quality for haste. In order to do that, we are not cutting any corners and believe, despite delays so far, that it will be well worth it. Thank you again for your love and support!


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I was disappointed with this latest pushback on the delivery date...beginning to wonder IF they're ever going to ship. 
I am still cautiously optimistic.

We just got the following update today:

Wood you care for an update?

MEATER Block – from hundreds to thousands. We cannot say it enough times, but our backers have really propelled us to the big leagues =) We’ve now been able to receive attention from numerous suppliers to get the best materials, prices, and production priority. We’re currently reviewing samples and negotiating with our suppliers to ensure the highest quality product. Here’s a glance at different MEATER Block samples:

On the hardware/software front, our Bluetooth chip is now communicating with the MEATER app. It’s looking good so far and we hope to show you a sneak peak of the MEATER app and probe together soon.

In other news, we have begun talks with a certification lab and received the costs involved to get MEATER tested for safety (e.g. CE, FCC, RoHS, etc.). We look forward to beginning the test process soon.

In the meantime, hang back, learn another BBQ technique, and in no time, it’ll be closer to MEATER delivery. Thank you again for your support!
Catch you on the seared flip side,

Joseph, Teemu and the Apption Labs Team


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The latest update:

Update #26

May 10 2016

26 | The Meatrix

National BBQ and Burger Month

Happy National BBQ and burger month to the grillers, roasters, smokers, and all food-fanatics out there! Eat well and post all your food porn pics! #BBQ #happybelly #foodlife Is it a coincidence the hash tag looks like grill marks? We think not.

Production Update

We’ve been very busy bees! Over the past 3 weeks, during our visit with our supplier in Taiwan, we finalized the pilot production plans, ordered the parts from our vendors, built production test rigs and jigs, and reviewed packaging samples. With that said, we have officially begun the Pilot Production phase!

We expect to receive all the pieces early June and begin assembly immediately after. Since pilot production units represent the final version of MEATER, they will go through our engineering and test case gauntlet again, including cases inspired by our backers. When the results of those tests go well, we will move quickly into mass production. Our shipping estimate is now closer to late July/early August so don’t pack up your BBQ too early this summer. But if you’re grill heads like us, BBQ season is all year round.

The android and iOS apps are both +91.438% complete with the majority of the work left for debugging and fine tuning. MEATER Link is operational and we will continue to polish the code to ensure data transmission and connection is robust and stable. Although MEATER Cloud is still under development, we are making significant progress in the code and will provide an update on its status very soon.

As we get closer to summer, the heat is on to finish MEATER and as always, we will continue to push forward and keep everyone up to date with our progress. Thank you again for your patience, love, and support!

Keep cool, stay in school!

Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs Team


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Update #27
Meat Joe Black

Memorial Weekend

This weekend, we celebrate and honor those who gave their lives for this country. Their passion, dedication, and service are truly admirable, and we thank them for their sacrifice.

Production Update

We hope everyone is doing swimmingly well in the month of May and wrapping things up to head into the next month! As we continue testing and keeping the pilot production train chugging, we are making gains track by track. If pilot production is up to par, pilot production will soon turn into mass production.

Recently in one of our labs (i.e. the backyard), we've been able to successfully test out one of our neat features - MEATER Link! 1 probe, 2 phones, and a yummy dinner. This way if one person is out on a grocery store run, reaching the next save point on Fallout 4, or taking the cat out for a walk, there's another person who can monitor the meat! #teameffort

One cooking reminder we have set up in the app helps users remove their meat from the heat at the appropriate time considering resting period. As you know, food will continue to cook due to high internal temperatures so the MEATER app takes that into account and estimates the perfect time for your desired doneness. 

In other areas, we will soon be making decisions regarding packaging and a proper fulfillment house that will help us sort all the pledges to get MEATER in your kitchens and backyard patios. Every day brings new challenges, every challenge is met with opportunity, and every opportunity leads to accomplishment and a plate of juicy meat.

We're constantly reminded of how grateful we are to have you all as backers that have joined in on this journey of ours. As we collect more data, we'll keep you posted.

Until the next one, have courage, be kind, and don't forget the milk.

All the best,

Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs team


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30 | MEATbusters - What You Gonna Cook

Production Update

Hello meat fanatics! We're drawing nearer and nearer to completion. Teemu is at the factory, overseeing pilot production. He’s also testing and fine tuning the wireless range capability of MEATER every day, but we think it’s just an excuse to eat steak.


Best case scenario! Actual wireless distance may vary depending on the type of grill or obstructions between MEATER and your smart device.

We received all the parts to build our pilot run and will begin assembly of MEATERs next week. After assembly, we will QA the finished product and if we are 100% satisfied with the results (and nothing short of it!) we'll have the confidence to move onward to mass production.

The first round of MEATERs (from pilot production) will be sent to beta testers (e.g. avid cooks and backers) who can provide feedback to help us validate and improve the user experience. We're aiming to have pilot samples ready to ship by early August!

In parallel, we'll begin testing the integration of our inventory software and fulfillment house to ensure shipments of MEATER will go off without a hitch. Actual safety and FCC testing will also begin and estimated to finish before we start shipping mass produced MEATERs.

We’ve already ordered all the long lead time parts and scheduled to begin mass production of MEATERs in August. We expect to have our first batch of 1000 units completed by mid-August for quality control inspection. Once they pass, we will ramp up production. It's hard to simply press a button on immediately producing 15000+ units! We know you'd rather us ensure the probes are created with perfection, devoid of any defects. MEATER Block will undergo the same motions with pilot production happening in mid-August. All things considered, we're hoping to have begun shipping out MEATERs mid-September and MEATER Blocks in October. Sending good vibes that there are zero to minimal hiccups in this process so we can all start smoking beef tri-tips with MEATER soon!


Several of our eager backers have also asked about the MEATER app being in their respective app store. We're eager too! We'll have the MEATER app for iOS and Android ready and released with product launch :) Also, MEATER Link is finished and operational. MEATER Cloud is ready for iOS and under development for Android (but we expect it to be ready by mid-August). As for the wearable-apps, MEATER notifications are already designed to push to your watches. We plan to have the native apps ready by launch but will prioritize software updates resulting from our beta testing phase.

In other areas, our packaging is locked down! We wanted to design packaging that not only fits our brand, but provides a safe vessel so your MEATERs are unscathed as they travel far and wide to land in your kitchens. We've carefully selected the right materials, precision, and handiwork to ensure MEATER fits snugly, just like when you're properly tucked in at night.


Building a smart and completely wire-free meat thermometer is no easy task especially if there’s no blueprint to copy. Endless nights, hard work and our dedication to perfection has gotten us to where we are today. It was our pipedream to raise the amount of funds we’ve raised so far but we wouldn’t have ever gotten to this point if we weren’t so detail oriented and passionate about building the perfect product. We apologize that everyone has waited this long for MEATER but we assure that you will not be disappointed of the end result. We continue to be thankful and humble for your support and patience. Grill on friends!

Joseph, Teemu & the Apption Labs Team
Kari, Again thank you for the updates!
I am looking forward to the release of the Meater! After 1 year my Mav. 733 is getting a bit erratic. Port 1 is 37 degrees and port 2 is 39 via the ice test. All my other devices read 32 degrees to lo as expected. Before I invest in new probes for the Mav. I sure would like to give the "Meater" a shot!
Received this update today.

32 | MEATER Party

Production Update
Hello everyone, we hope you all have been eating delicious foods, spending time with loved ones, and are doing well!

Over the course of 3 weeks, we’ve completed our initial pilot production and have been testing the units rigorously. We are very happy with the production quality and feature performance so far but we also unearthed a few problems. Most were found during the actual pilot production related to the assembly process, assembly and testing fixtures, automated testing program, factory process, etc. This is why we run pilot production: to find problems in the manufacturing process and fix them. It's a typical step to ensure mass production will yield consistent, high quality results.

For all supply chain quality issues, we have now visited the suppliers manufacturing mechanical parts for us. We spent days with them to go over the required improvements, checked their process and are moving full steam ahead. We are getting good results from the improvements and now producing the remaining parts for mass production units.

Rest assured, all the issues found during this initial build have been addressed. We have already begun the next pilot production run to confirm the solutions put in place. With that said, the additional production run will delay our mass production timeline. Our updated plan for MEATER is to start mass production mid-September, finish by early October and start shipping by mid-month.


While this was happening at the supplier, we have been doing lots of cooking and testing with the pilot production units. The products are functioning, generally performing well, and even at times, exceeding our expectations. However because of the improvements required for these units, we decided not to release this current batch to our beta testers until the next pilot run. On the software side, we’ve optimized performance of MEATER Link and MEATER Cloud which will both be available for beta testing. We expect to begin shipping beta units the week of September 5th.


Taking distance testing to the streets (Keye is under the red arrows). Also, searing on a cast iron pan without the hassle of wires.

Since our resources were focused on solving MEATER probe assembly issues, we can now turn our attention to the MEATER Block pilot production (which will commence shortly). Because of the slight shift in schedule, it is looking more like end of October/early November for MEATER Block deliveries.

Our #1 goal is to produce the best possible product we can all be proud of. Remember, you’re the one that has gotten us to where we are today and deserve nothing less than perfection. We apologize for the delay and we are determined with vigor that the delay is the only thing you’ll ever worry about. As a token of our appreciation of your patience, in order to cut down on the schedule, we’ve decided to air ship units from our factory to our fulfillment warehouses (as opposed to shipments by boat) to shave off significant transit time.

Thank you so much for understanding and sticking by our side, it really means a lot to us during this decisive production process.

Until then, keep the coals burning, and all the best,
Joseph, Teemu, and the Apption Labs team
dibiase said:
You will definitely have to post you feedback once you finally get yours.  I am very curious about these.

There are several of us on the forum who backed the original kickstarter campaign. I have a feeling there will be a lot of butts and briskets smoking that first weekend. Sounds like those who ordered the single probe model with get theirs first. Then the Meater Blocks will come about a month later. I ordered the Meater Block. So I won't be the first to test these out.