3D wifi or 3 Analog with Auber WST1510H-W


New member
Hi, All- I’m new to this forum and hoping for some advice as I’m making a final decision on my new smoker…  I have decided on the Smokin-It brand based in large part on the loyal customer following and fantastic customer service.  But, I’m still torn between the simplicity of the analog model or the convenience of the wifi.

If I buy an analog model and then the Auber WST1510H-W PID, am I getting the best of both worlds?  That is, I can run an analog smoke or connect the digital controller and run from my phone?  The Auber unit is $259, which is also a bit cheaper than upgrading from the analog to the Digital/wifi model…

I’m wondering if I’m missing something here in the pricing or overall setup of using the external Auber unit.

Thanks for any help or guidance!
Tom - Welcome to the forum. As to your question, you are bound to get mixed replies.  The analog is as simple as it gets. Adding the Auber will give you PID accuracy and depending upon which model you buy, you have a choice of wifi or no wifi.  The smokers are robust and can withstand the weather.  Having the Auber allows you to take the controller in the house, away from extremes if you have no shelter for the unit. SI sells covers that can and do protect the digital controller from the elements.  The controller and the stand alone Auber have only a 1 year warranty.  Should the controller die a few ears down the road, you will need to buy another to use the smoker. With the Auber, it dies, you still have the analog.

There are temperature swings with the analog and some folks cannot handle that. Others just roll with the punches and enjoy the results. A 5 hour smoke is 5 hours, whether the controller is analog or digital.

Go with your gut!
I was going to go the adding a PID later route with my #3.  That was almost 3 years ago. Still don't have the PID and don't really miss it.
I would go ahead and get the #3 and if you decide you need the PID later, then you can get one.
Dave makes a good suggestion, try the #3 on it’s own as an analog for a bit and see what you think. I have the #3D non-WiFi, and I don’t think I would really need the WiFi with this cooker considering I can program the unit to cook how I want it. That’s pretty simple, but not as simple as the #3 on it’s own. My dad has a #2 that I’ve used a few times, and it’s so simple to just turn the dial and walk away and know I’ll get the same result as my #3D.

I do use a sous-vide machine that connects via WiFi and an app, i can view the cook from anywhere, but I’ve really only done that a few times.

But, you are going to love the #3! As for covers, I have a coversandall.com cover, it’s great. Keeps it clean - I have a lot of dust get on my patio and this cover keeps the dust out.

Enjoy and let us know what you end up with!
I bought the 4D WiFi last fall and no regrets.  I used the WiFi just the other day while in town running errands to turn the smoker temperature down since I was going to be gone longer than expected.  I plan to do some cooks while at work and I can monitor the smoker with the WiFi.
I have the 3D without wifi. 
I like the fact that I can create different programs for different meats and to ramp the temps which prevent combustion of the wood and smoker burps. 
This definitely reduced the acrid taste I used to experience going straight to the final cook temp.
Personally, I don't feel the need for wifi.
Thanks for all of the feedback and perspectives!  I’m leaning towards starting with the #3 analog and seeing how it goes, possibly adding the Auber later on.  Either choice will be an improvement over using my gas grill with a smoke box :).  And thanks for the tip on coversandall.com- I hadn’t heard of them before but will definitely check them out.

Really appreciate how active this forum is.

Tom, I'm in the same boat. I have had my #2 analog for a year now and I am thinking about getting the WST1510H-W. I have not had issues with wood combustion, but I use the chip screen with a layer of foil underneath it, with no holes punched in the foil.

I had a situation recently where my wireless thermometer turned itself off during the night and I didn't get a warning on my phone when the target temperature was reached. I just happened to wake up and realize there was an issue, so I went outside to check it. Saved 2 pork butts!

Having the ability to stop the cook automatically and then go to a 140* hold temperature sounds pretty nice to me. It seems like that would be the final step in the Lazy-Q world! I have also had tough chewy bark on my briskets and pork butts, and wonder if that is caused by the temperature swings, but there are other experiments to try to prevent that.