The FINAL way to do a brisket?

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I was referring to the non-soluable seasoning from added spices in the brine only affecting the exterior. I fully understand about brine penetration. I read your entire post. My point was, with authority, you dismissed certain techniques without actually trying them how they were intended.

Also, if it tasted "bland", that is a seasoning issue.

I dont want someone with less experience to read your post & walk away with such conclusions.

I take no offense from you comments, as I hope you take none from mine. Try both of the methods, as intended, & then let us know if they approach the FINAL method you seek.
Reading Jason's conclusions, everyone has to draw their own conclusions.  I'm not a fan of bark and would have probably loved his "fail". 

Sorry to hear you weren't happy with your smoke!  I agree, wholeheartedly, about the use of BP - total waste of time in these smokers.  I know some really dig the Franklin method, but it was designed for traditional smokers, not ours!  I also agree that brining and injecting is not always "necessary;" I have great results from just brining, rubbing with Jim Baldridge's Secret Seasoning (if you haven't tried this, you should), and smoking "no peeky" to 195.  Perfect, every time!  As for the amount of Cure #1 - did you use a teaspoon in a gallon of brine?  That should have been adequate to get a ring.  If you go with your plan of adding it to the surface, you'd better go with #2...probably don't want to add #1 directly to the meat, or you'll have a toxic concentration of the stuff!


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    2014-09-07 16.39.53.jpg
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Hey Tony, yep, 1 tsp per gallon. As for adding to the surface, I also know that #2 would be needed but I honestly doubt I'll ever try it ;)

I will comment on this and I will leave it alone. I tried biting my tongue but it's not in my nature so I apologize for this in advance to those that may be sensitive to such. Walt, I know quite a bit about smoking and cooking in general. I am not a know it all but I can certainly hold my own against most in the world of BBQ. What this thread was about was briskets in THESE smokers. I have briskets down on my kegs, pellet grill and even in offsets. I didn't ask for your criticism, didn't need to hear that I am doing it wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. It was an experiment. Simple as that. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I was prepared for either case and was prepared to offer up the honest truth, good or bad. I think it would be best that we move on from this subject once I'm done with this reply. It's my thread, I started it and I will end it. Your opinion was noted, you can look at it however you want but I know what happened as I am the one who cooked it. What I posted was my opinion, it's not gospel. It was how I felt about this cook. It is not a knock against your method, I think you took it as such for reasons unbeknownst to me.

Having done this test, I can take what I liked from it and what I didn't like and adapt it to what I DO LIKE.

Now that we all know where we stand with it, I can promise you all that I'll not post any other tests. I'll post some cooks here and there but I'll keep the experimentation cooks off of here. From now on, I'll post only successful cooks. I'll be as PC as I can.

Tony, sorry for letting this get a little drama filled. It was never my intent. Walt, you are a valued member here and I am the new guy, keep doing what you do here. I'll stay out of your way. I'd appreciate the same courtesy.

DivotMaker said:
I know some really dig the Franklin method, but it was designed for traditional smokers, not ours!

I got a feeling the Franklin method works fine in our smokers, but a lot of us just don't want to spend the money regularly on that quality of meat.  He buys the best, that's a big part of it.
Jason, and all,

This is the first time I've been requested to "lock" a topic!  After you read my 2¢, I'll begrudgingly do it, if you still want me to.  Just send me a PM. 

Jason - I know Walt, and absolutely do not believe he intended any offense by his remarks.  I also know that he took no offense in yours!  It was a healthy discussion of differing opinions, that's all.

With that being said, let me share a couple of thoughts.  First of all, we've grown to be a pretty cool family around here (I think, at least).  This has become a gathering of family and friends, and I've never experienced anything like it on the internet...ever!  If I had a choice of going to a family reunion, or a Smokin-It reunion, I'd choose the SI pow wow!  By the same token, just like any family, there WILL be disagreements and differences of opinion!!!  (Just ask Brian (Pork Belly) about the Auber PID issue!  lol.)  At some point, healthy discussion can be taken the wrong way by someone.  I guess it's bound to happen, but it's extremely rare around here!  I totally believe that's the case here.  I've seen some pretty heated discussions, around here, about things like (of all things) a stock controller that will exceed 250!!  Eventually, the heat dies down and all is good.  As long as discussions don't get personal, or overtly inflammatory, they're OK!  I can certainly hold my own in an argument with my friends, but at the end of the day, they're still my friends!

Now, just like any family, it's not the fact that some of us disagree (pretty sure that happens in every family), it's how we handle it and move on!  Eventually, everyone makes up and all is cool again!  I would be surprised if you've ever experienced a forum like this before - I know many haven't!  To me, it's like a bunch of old friends sitting around the smoker, with a cold one or two, talking things over.  Sometimes, those discussions get a little heated, but that's OK!

Jason, your input here has been a real treat, and your experience is greatly appreciated!  As you can tell from my posts, I don't always agree with some of your conclusions either, but it's just my 2¢!  You don't have to agree, but we all have the right to voice our opinions and disagree.  Who knows, something you, or one of the desscenting opinion posters write, may be just the information that one of our many members is looking for!  It's like your title - The FINAL way... Never going to be such as thing, nor should there be.  We all realize that you conducted an "experiment," and I believe the opinions expressed were solely an evaluation of that experiment, and given in good faith as a means to improve the experiment.  Nothing more, nothing less.

I hope this little "drama," as you call it, hasn't dampened your enthusiasm for our little club, nor Walt's.  Both of you are invaluable players, and a big part of why Club Lazy Q is such a great place! 8)

Oh...and thanks for the link to that Big Ass Spatula! ;)
It wasn't that he had a differing opinion, that's cool. I take issue with someone telling me I am doing something wrong when I am I not, then getting snooty about it. If I were a newb, that would be one thing. I have been doing this for a long time. If you have something to add, then that's great. If all you have is negativity, leave that behind. Don't talk down to me and we're good. I guess the thing that pissed me off, talking real here, was the part where he told me "with authority". Come on man! "With authority"??? Pfffft. No thanks.

I'll let it go, I really am only here to help and to share. True, I am new to the SI smokers but I know how to cook darn near anything and smoking is just one of the ways I cook. I just wanted to expand my horizons and my skill set. That's where you guys come in and that's what lead to the experiment. I know that there is no "Final" way in anything cooking related, I was meaning it more as a "What works on the SI" or "What's the consensus on brisket". I have perused what was on here and figured I'd take one for the team by combining different preparations and in cook adjustments, just to see what it lead to and posted my findings. As for the feel of this forum, yeah, I know what you mean. That's the way the Keg forum is. I have friends there, we've met in person and have cooked for each other and talk on the phone and facebook. Extended family just like you said. The sad thing is that over the years the forum has lost it's magic, it's not like it used to be. That's what was nice about coming here! There is not as much activity on here as I would like to see, I think there are a lot of lurkers but hopefully that will change.

Man, I feel as if this will never end and frankly I am tired of defending myself. That's why I wanted it locked. You can do with it what you will but I am really really done with it. I am not wanting to throw Walt under the bus, this has gone on for FAR too long so let's please let it die. Walt, as I said before, continue doing what you do. Don't mind me. I am sorry everyone for this. Really I am.

I encourage you all to participate here, enjoy it!

No need to lock, I don't want to be the first, lol.

I'll show myself out, Take care ;)
Guys, as an onlooker this has actually been a great discussion. As a forum we actually have a bit of a bias that "everything is always great" and if you have smoked (or cooked, or grilled) enough you know that everything is not always great. Stuff goes wrong. As such, I applaud Jason's willingness to experiment and to share his results with us all. I also understand Walt's point of view; if you are a new smoker there are a lot of very confusing options out there. Let's all get along and try and make this a great place to learn and teach each other new things.
I was going to post a picture of one of my shirts that states "I'm not arguing. I'm simply explaining why I'm right". I couldn't find it though. I have another one that says "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you". Oh well, I guess I'll have to troll on another post since this one has evaporated interest.
TmanEater said:
I was going to post a picture of one of my shirts that states "I'm not arguing. I'm simply explaining why I'm right". I couldn't find it though. I have another one that says "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you". Oh well, I guess I'll have to troll on another post since this one has evaporated interest.

;D ;D ;D ;D LOL!!
I was asked to report on my meal at Franklin’s, needless-to-say it was great. And I just don’t mean a little bit better. 20-30% better than the best I have ever had. My wife and her aunt and uncle agreed. For those of you who don’t know, Texas Monthly declared it the best BBQ in Texas.

Some notes-
• To place a to-go order you have to order on the first Monday of the month before the month you want to pick it up, while I know many of you would not do this, I was really curious
• You then have to pick it up between 10 and 10:30
• Brisket is $20/lb.
• The guy in front of me spent $244, I spent $100. They have got to be raking it in.
• Got there at 10:15 (traffic was bad) and there were at least 100 people sitting around in lawn chairs, many drinking beer, generally having a good time
• When I left at 10:45 they were starting to line up, it is not a large place
• I had to park two blocks away
• Still had to wait half an hour, they slice it up when you show up

They keep the meat in metal cabinets, which I assume are heated, and wrapped in foil. I have only done one brisket in my #3 and really want to try another. I am going to foil it this time around 150. I really think this could be what makes it so moist.
prudentsmoker said:
I was asked to report on my meal at Franklin’s, needless-to-say it was great. And I just don’t mean a little bit better. 20-30% better than the best I have ever had. My wife and her aunt and uncle agreed. For those of you who don’t know, Texas Monthly declared it the best BBQ in Texas.

Some notes-
• To place a to-go order you have to order on the first Monday of the month before the month you want to pick it up, while I know many of you would not do this, I was really curious
• You then have to pick it up between 10 and 10:30
• Brisket is $20/lb.
• The guy in front of me spent $244, I spent $100. They have got to be raking it in.
• Got there at 10:15 (traffic was bad) and there were at least 100 people sitting around in lawn chairs, many drinking beer, generally having a good time
• When I left at 10:45 they were starting to line up, it is not a large place
• I had to park two blocks away
• Still had to wait half an hour, they slice it up when you show up

They keep the meat in metal cabinets, which I assume are heated, and wrapped in foil. I have only done one brisket in my #3 and really want to try another. I am going to foil it this time around 150. I really think this could be what makes it so moist.

I knew you had to order at least $100.00 to pre-order, but thought you could order the same week. It sounds like you need to order a month in advance?

Thanks for the report, I will be in Austin later this year and plan to give it a go!

From what he (Franklin) has said, he breaks even on the brisket. He serves Snake River Farms PRIME brisket that costs him a fortune. He figures that while you are there eating the main attraction that you'll order the other offerings that he DOES make money on. Must be working!