Should SM1 be turned all the way up or off when I turn the Controller on


New member
The instructions on the SM website say to turn the SM all the way up and then turn on the controller. The instructions with Auber say "Plug the heater to the back of the controller. If the heater has a switch put it in the off position...Turn on the controller. Turn on the heating device."

It's confusing, but I am going to go with the instruction on the SM site unless someone advises me different.

Any advice?
Since you haven't done a bypass of the stock controller, the SI controller knob get turned all the way up to 250.  This keeps the stock controller from trying to interfere with the Auber controller.  The SI power plug gets plugged into the back of the Auber as it has now taken control of power going to the unit.  Does that make sense? 
Gary - that part of the instructions is referring to the smoke generator plug for the Bradley units.  We plug the smoker into the regular 110 outlet on the back, and set the dial to 250.  It needs to pass-through as much current as the Auber sends to the element.