Howdy from central Texas


After much research I just ordered a #2. Considered a propane smoker and big box store electrics, but decided to spend the extra $$$ for something that will last. I’ve been smoking on my propane grill lately using a smoke tube, and also have done quite a bit on my Orion cooker. Just ready to take it to the next level but don’t want to spend my time tending a fire.

Gonna stick with analog for now, but I have a background in electronics, including the design of PID temperature controllers, so I’m sure I will start doing mods before long.

This community is pretty awesome and I look forward to learning from all y’all!
Welcome, Clay, from the land of Enchantment! Enjoy your #2 and post some pictures when you get it up and running!

Welcome from Delaware, Clay!  I think you will enjoy the #2 ... I know I do!  Let us know if you have questions, and keep us posted on your smokes!  Cheers
lcdearman said:
Gonna stick with analog for now, but I have a background in electronics, including the design of PID temperature controllers, so I’m sure I will start doing mods before long.

Welcome to the family!  The #2 was my first smoker and I miss it.  :)

You should build a nice, user-friendly, modern PID and license it to Steve..  the PIDs that are produced by Auber and used on the Smokin-Its are pure garbage.