How to install a permanent Auber temperature probe

NICE!  I haven't been here in a while but was thinking of this forum after I threw a couple of butts on.... so... in your opinion is the auberin worth it?  Can you notice any difference in the end result?
I am having a hellova time tuning it. It is not doing what it should be doing as per the instructions. It is getting very frustrating.  :o
Jerz said:
NICE!  I haven't been here in a while but was thinking of this forum after I threw a couple of butts on.... so... in your opinion is the auberin worth it?  Can you notice any difference in the end result?

Hey Jerz, good to see you back!  The Auber, imo, is definitely worth it!  You can achieve the same end results without it, but it adds a level of precision, and customization, that is hard to do with the stock controller.  The 6 programmable steps are incredible!  It makes a great smoker even better.
Big Fish said:
I am having a hellova time tuning it. It is not doing what it should be doing as per the instructions. It is getting very frustrating.  :o

What are you having trouble with, Ernie?
I am spending more time in trying to get it to work than I am smoking. The first controller and/or element wasn’t getting the right temp, not getting over 185 degrees. You sent new guts out and the controller is definitely fried. It was like this out of the box – pic enclosed. Okay, then I do the PID bypass – all went well, until I plugged it in. The programming instructions are incorrect or the Auber is a lemon too. My display (on the Auber) never stopped on “AT at 140” (as per your instructions on your site).  When it first started, it was at “AT and 80” flashing NOT “AT and 140” (as per your instructions). When it stopped flashing, it was at “225 and 2.5.” I followed the directions to the “T” – from the initial programming of the PID (CO1…CO2…CO33 blah blah) to simulating a smoke with the bricks, holes not blocked, drip tray in place…yada yada. This is the 4th of July and is the 3rd smoke I had to back out of because of this SI #3. I am very frustrated and have had it with it. Please send an RMA so I can send everything back.

I am returning it. I'm done.
Big Fish said:
I am spending more time in trying to get it to work than I am smoking. The first controller and/or element wasn’t getting the right temp, not getting over 185 degrees. You sent new guts out and the controller is definitely fried. It was like this out of the box – pic enclosed. Okay, then I do the PID bypass – all went well, until I plugged it in. The programming instructions are incorrect or the Auber is a lemon too. My display (on the Auber) never stopped on “AT at 140” (as per your instructions on your site).  When it first started, it was at “AT and 80” flashing NOT “AT and 140” (as per your instructions). When it stopped flashing, it was at “225 and 2.5.” I followed the directions to the “T” – from the initial programming of the PID (CO1…CO2…CO33 blah blah) to simulating a smoke with the bricks, holes not blocked, drip tray in place…yada yada. This is the 4th of July and is the 3rd smoke I had to back out of because of this SI #3. I am very frustrated and have had it with it. Please send an RMA so I can send everything back.

I am returning it. I'm done.

Contact Steve on Monday.  Thanks for stopping by, and good luck to you. 
Big Fish said:
I am spending more time in trying to get it to work than I am smoking. The first controller and/or element wasn’t getting the right temp, not getting over 185 degrees. You sent new guts out and the controller is definitely fried. It was like this out of the box – pic enclosed. Okay, then I do the PID bypass – all went well, until I plugged it in. The programming instructions are incorrect or the Auber is a lemon too. My display (on the Auber) never stopped on “AT at 140” (as per your instructions on your site).  When it first started, it was at “AT and 80” flashing NOT “AT and 140” (as per your instructions). When it stopped flashing, it was at “225 and 2.5.” I followed the directions to the “T” – from the initial programming of the PID (CO1…CO2…CO33 blah blah) to simulating a smoke with the bricks, holes not blocked, drip tray in place…yada yada. This is the 4th of July and is the 3rd smoke I had to back out of because of this SI #3. I am very frustrated and have had it with it. Please send an RMA so I can send everything back.

I am returning it. I'm done.

For the rest of you out there, let me clarify a couple of things in this posting.  First, I addressed the error of the left window displaying the box temp and "At" when you enter the autotune mode in the "Autotune Instructions" post; this will be corrected shortly, but not today.  It will not initially display 140, but will display the current box temp.  Next, Big Fish mentioned that he was at "225 and 2.5" when it stopped flashing the "At;"  This is about where it should have stopped!  That means it figured-out the settings while it was 2.5 hours into the smoke, at a stable temp of 225.  His misunderstanding that this was, in fact, what he wanted, has led to his frustration and confusion.  I've attempted to reach out to Ernie to help, but there is no reasoning with some people. 

I think you have done all you can from a forum perspective. You are to be commended. 

I see Ernie aka Big Fish is a guest now.

Installed the permanent probe this afternoon.  Easy process thanks to all the info and pictures posted here.  Completed the autotune on the Auber afterward.  Ready to go for my next smoke now.  Got a couple turkey breasts I want to try tomorrow.
Does the probe get in the way when you are cooking a large brisket or multiple pork butts?  It just seems to protrude a long way into the cabinet....

Hey Tony,

In your instructions from the initial post you wrote:

Auber recommends installing the probe as high as possible in the smoker.  It should be under the highest shelf.  Since we can move our racks into a high or low position, I found the spot below the highest setting.  This is about 3" from the top of the smoker (inside).

However, in your pictures it appears that the probe is slightly above the shelf. Is it just my eyes or the angle of the picture that is making it appear to me that your probe is about 1" above the top rack?
NDKoze said:
However, in your pictures it appears that the probe is slightly above the shelf. Is it just my eyes or the angle of the picture that is making it appear to me that your probe is about 1" above the top rack?

Gregg, I tried to adapt Auber's instructions, that were intended for a Bradley smoker.  If the side racks are in the top position, the probe is just below the top shelf.  In the lower position, it is just above the top shelf.  Next wall probe I install will be about an inch from the top of the inside box.  That way, it will read the stable air at the top, and not interfere with anything on the top rack.
OK, I think I understand now.

I'm planning on doing this some day. So I just was trying to understand.

I think it would be a great idea to move the probe up even higher. Thanks for the suggestion/recommendation.
I think I may be missing some info. Do you also disconnect the factory analog probe or does that stay in and you just set the factory dial to 250?
Using the bypass effectively disables the stock temp dial.

If you add the rocker switch option, you can switch back and forth between the bypass and the analog thermostat.

If/when I ever get an Auber, I will be adding the rocker switch option, so that I can switch to the stock configuration if I am having a problem with my Auber or if it is raining and I don't want my Auber to get wet.

Technically, you can use an Auber without doing the bypass by just cranking it all the way up and then letting the Auber control the element from there. The benefit of the bypass is to allow your Auber to control the element without any intervention from the stock controller which still has a max temp of 250 degrees. If you bypass, your Auber will not be restricted by the stock controller and will allow you to go above 250 degrees, which is great from poultry.

Hopefully this hasn't muddied the waters even further.
bigfoot21075 said:
I think I may be missing some info. Do you also disconnect the factory analog probe or does that stay in and you just set the factory dial to 250?

I need a little clarification on what you're asking, in order to answer correctly.  When you say "factory analog probe," do you mean the temperature sensor in the back of the smoker?  I'm thinking that's what you mean, but want to clarify.  "Analog" threw me off.  The "Factory dial" you mentioned refers to what we call the "analog" controller, or "factory controller."  Not meaning to split hairs here, just wanting to clarify what your understanding is - this whole digital thing can get a bit confusing at times!

I think I know what you're asking, so I'll try to answer, as best I can:

First, there are 2 ways to use the Auber PID.  One way is to not modify the smoker at all, just plug the Auber in, set the dial (factory controller) to 250, and let the Auber control the smoker through the factory analog controller.  There is no need to modify, or disconnect, the temperature probe in the back of the smoker.

The second way (personally preferred) is to "bypass" the stock controller, and let the Auber run the show.  I find this to be the optimal setup, should you choose to use the Auber, because it takes one point of failure out of the equation - the 250°-limited stock controller.  This allows the Auber to take the temp higher than 250, and it is not impeded by the stock controller.  Not saying that the stock controller is bad, it's just that it becomes the "middle man" in the setup - unnecessary.  If you're springing for an Auber, let it do what it does best - be in control!  I also think it doesn't really like competition.  lol.

If this is not what you are asking, please clarify for me, so I can better help!

You guys hit it on the head, what I was trying to ask is if you "bypass" the stock controller..... I like the idea of being able to get a slightly higher temp as well, not to mention the Auber is designed to be accurate - may as well let it do its thing. My smoker is in out of the rain anyway.