Christmas Prime Rib

OH GOD that looks AMAZING! I could devour that PR right now even after having Christmas dinner.

That is going to be on my list for my birthday coming up. Looks to be well worth it!

great job Tony!
Great job, Tony!  I am thinking of prime rib for new years, so your posting here could not be more timely!  Thanks.
Tony, please share your details around dry aging prime rib?  I've always been afraid to try it.  Also, is the process the same for any type of beef (steaks, tenderloins, etc)?
Tony, that looks amazing.  It's so cool what some of the members are able to come up,with using these smokers.  I am impressed.
I would also love to hear the dry aging process.

You can dry-age any large cut of beef when it's whole.  I wouldn't recommend trying to age cut steaks, as the shrinkage and trimming would ruin them.  Here's the process I have used:

Wash your prime rib and pat it dry.  Be sure to wear gloves to keep the bacteria from your hands off the meat.
Wrap the meat in a couple layers of cheesecloth, and place in the fridge on a rack inside a baking pan.  The idea is to keep all sides exposed to the air, and have a catch pan below.  Some recommend putting rock salt in the pan below, but I don't.

Make sure you put it in a fridge that will maintain a consistent 34-35 degrees, and have the door opened as little as possible.  Set a small thermometer next to the pan to monitor the temp.

Change the cheesecloth every day for the first 3 days.  After the second or third day, the cloth won't be bloody anymore.  A dark red "crust" will form on the meat, and you'll begin to see the fat cap begin to dry out as well.

Keep it in at least 8 -9 days.  Some people dry-age for 28 days, but I never could wait that long!  Inspect/change the cheesecloth every 3 days.

After 8 days, the meat will be pretty dry on the surface.  When it's time to prep for cooking, trim all the crust off with a sharp knife.  You'll expose a deep red meat that looks fantastic!

It will cook as usual, but will be rich in flavor, and fork tender! 
No problem, Ben!  i'm doing a little research on some other dry-age methods, and have found some vacuum-seal bags from UMAi ( that look really interesting! They allow you to dry-age in a vacuum bag.  The bags allow moisture out, and air in (but not bacteria).  I'm going to check them out...more to come!
It's the gift that keeps on giving!  Still have a couple of slices vac-sealed in the fridge... I suspect they won't be there tomorrow! ;D
Well Tony...winter isn't the best time for this, but if you do a prime rib in mid-spring or fall, let me know.  I've cruised 71 a few times as a roundabout way home from bike trips in the Mountain View/Mountain Home area  ;D
mizzoufan said:
Well Tony...winter isn't the best time for this, but if you do a prime rib in mid-spring or fall, let me know.  I've cruised 71 a few times as a roundabout way home from bike trips in the Mountain View/Mountain Home area  ;D

No problem, Steven!  I'll let you know when to cruise 71 next time! ;)  Still can't get used to it being "I-49" now!!  Jeez.
Ok, this inspired me to try a prime rib this year for the family dinner. Here's the first shot...


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Easy peasy, T!  Got mine dressed-out for a date with the 3D tomorrow! ;)  Should be great (yours and mine)!  Merry Christmas!! 8)
Great info.  Are you letting the roast sit to bring up temo or straight from fridge to box? Merry Christmas!


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Here's the outcome of the best damn Christmas Dinner I've ever had. Thank You Divot (Tony) for this! Family absolutely LOVED it!

[list type=decimal]
[*]Bought ~7.15 lb boneless prime rib (choice cut) from Sam's Club ($71.16 FYI - $9.98/lb)
[*]2 days before cook I seasoned with garlic powder (light), fresh ground sea salt, and fresh ground pepper. Wrapped in Saran and back in fridge
[*]1 day before cook I unwrapped saran wrap, rubbed with EV Olive Oil (EVOO) and added some more salt/pepper and then I got some (Jim Baldridge's 12 oz. Secret Seasoning) for xmas and added a little bit of it on there also. Left unwrapped and placed meat on smoker rack in fridge on cookie sheet for air circulation.

[*]Threw into smoker @200 (till 128 IT reached) around 12:30pm for 6pm dinner. About last 2 hours I had smoker running at 225 because I didn't get it into smoker early enough. 11:30am would have been perfect start smoker time.
[*]Reverse seared ~6 mins in 500 degree oven after 128 IT reached.
[*]Very tender when sliced. Served with Aus Jus dipping sauce and horseradish sauce on side





