Another Auber with Temp Problems


New member
My Auber has been working flawlessly with my #3.  Except when smoking ribs.  As others have noted here, there appears to be a problem when smoking using strictly temp parameters.  Set program #1 for 6hrs at 235, all other programs zeroed out. Not using probe 2.  SI box controller set fully to 250.  Unit would not go above 215.  Dropped the meat probe in after connecting it to no effect.  As others have suggested, turned unit off/on with same results.  Switched over to the SI controller, set to a guess at 235 on the dial, and watched the Auber temp numbers climb to 275 and rising.  Finally just unplugged the Auber totally and will take my chances with the SI box controller.

This happened before with ribs and made me do an autotune to correct.  I have done several smokes since the autotune with no problems.  These units do not seem to like to do a smoke without probe #2 and running to cook time only.  I will be doing another autotune before doing some bacon, loin, pastrami, and butts.  I have gotten maybe 3-4 smokes since the last autotune and I hope this doesn't become a regular occurrence because it is a real PITA.  A timed rib smoke should be the easiest task the Auber could be asked to handle, yet it is certainly not set and forget "easy Q".  Smoking ribs are probably the most frequent choice of meats and it is bothersome to have a $200+ unit that cannot be trusted with the simplest of tasks while it handles the most complex requests without a hitch.

Anybody got any solutions?
Provided a technical solution is out there, I was wondering if a decoy could be created like a 1/2 frozen potato or something else that the #2 probe could be plugged into? 
Dave, yeah it did read the same.  Additionally, when I switched over to the SI controller (through the bypass) the Auber was still connected and the temps went way up, past 300 and climbing and both probes were within a couple of degrees of each other.

Where in SE PA are you located?  I lived in the 'burgh and Wheeling until moving down here to MB SC.  Sorry to see Troy and Ike retire, but it was time.  Watching my Pens right now. Nothing like the Stanley Cup playoffs!
I'm about 18 miles outside of Pittsburgh in a little sleepy town called Oakdale. I was under the impression that once the SI controller took over that the temp could not reach 300 degrees.  Are you sure the inside cabinet was at 300 or just maybe that was a false reading by the Auber.  My last rib smoke showed a temp spike on the Auber but Maverick showed cabinet temperature was actually dropping. I don't understand it either.  Welcome to my world.

Did you do your autotunes with both probes attached, or just probe 1 (box)?  Not sure if it would make a difference, but it might.  I recommend autotuning with only probe 1, with the program set to time only.

Did you purchase the Auber from Steve, or direct?  If from Steve, I recommend calling him.  It's possible you have a bad unit, and he'll replace it, if he thinks that's the case.
Dave, you are not far from where I lived--1/2 the house in Carnegie, 1/2 in Scott Township.  Loved Pittsburgh.  To answer your question, I am not sure what the reading from the Auber meant, whether accurate or not.  I am going to autotune.

Tony, the autotune was done with probe #1 only, settings exactly as the directions state.  CO1,2, & 3 with temp box settings, EO1, 2, & 3 with time only.  First autotune results were:      Second autotune results were:
                  P  80                                          P  9l
                  I  945                                        I    353
                  D  236                                        D  338

I did purchase the Auber from Steve, but I plan to do another autotune and test smoke before giving him a call.
Those are HUGE swings in PID results, something is either really inconsistent between your auto tunes or something strange is going on in the box.  Double check your drain hole, probe placement, etc.

Look to this thread for experiences from other folks on their auto tune settings -

The main table on the original post hasn't been updated for a while, so dig through the thread.  Personally I wasn't impressed with the auto tune results when I tried it, so based on my understanding of each variable I came up with my own parameter set (another unpopular choice, but it is working for me) which can be found in that thread and has been rock solid with or without probe #2.
I've done 2 auto tunes with varying PID results.  With the second set of results, I've noticed that the box warms up much quicker but tends to over run the set temp by 5 or more degrees and then drop back to the set temp and hold it.  I'm happy with what it is doing for now. 
I agree, Bill, that those autotune settings are vastly different!  I've never seen swings that large in the numbers.  Either something was different in your setup, or you have a problem with the unit.  Case in point:  I have a 1503CPH, from early testing, that is "old faithful" for me.  When I was testing the new 1200GPH unit, the autotune results came out to be exactly the same.  Not "close," but exactly the same!  I'm guessing there is a problem with your unit.
Tony, I finished another autotune tonight.  The numbers for the three autotunes that I have done are as follows:

          #1    P      80            #2    P      91            #3      P      87
                  I      945                          353                            266
                        236                          338                            316

Do these numbers have any significance to you because it is Greek to me.
Thanks for all the help, I definitely need it.
coachB said:
Do these numbers have any significance to you because it is Greek to me.

Yes, Bill.  They tell me that you probably have a problem with your Auber.  Call Steve, and tell him that I said so. 
Thanks Tony, I appreciate the input.  I was hoping that was not the case, but better to know now.  I will give Steve a call in the morning.  Weird though, because it was operating fine when using probe 2 and smoking anything but ribs.
Maybe a stupid question, but how long are you waiting between auto tunes?  If the entire box and insulation don't get back down to ambient temperatures between auto tunes, the subsequent tunes are going to be junk.
Josh, all autotunes were done the next day.  This issue has been resolved and Steve is taking care of the problem.  Always good to see that the company you are dealing with has top of the line customer service.  As has been stated on this forum numerous times, Steve is a terrific guy to deal with.  I have no doubts that any dealings with Steve and Smokin-it will always be resolved with a minimum of inconvenience and to the customer's satisfaction.
Unable to sort out where the problem occurs so just return both and start from scratch.  Works for me.  Steve is great to work with.
Tony, the new unit arrived yesterday as I was leaving for work.  Great service from Steve by the way.  He received the old one Friday AM and I received the  new one Wednesday.  Also received the Jerky Dryer I ordered online Sunday from him.  I just finished an autotune and wanted to run the numbers by you.  The setup was exactly the same as the last autotune.  The bricks had not been moved, water pan at same level, permanent probe still 1 1/2" from top centered, outside temp ranged from 68-73.  I programmed the PID as shown per our instructions:

                CO1        140                    E01t              .5
                CO2        225                    E02t              2.0
                C03        140                      E03t              1.0                         

Checked after 3 hrs and autotune completed, 195 showing in left Auber display window.  PID listings were as follows:
                                  P            106
                                  I              967
                                  D            241

Do these numbers sound acceptable to you?  I noticed the P# seemed almost double to what other users posted under the group thread, I# a little high, and D# in line with others.  Not to worry?  I'm obviously a little gunshy.  Thanks in advance, again, for all your patience and input.  Steve should officially appoint you Smokin-it Ambassador With Portfolio for what you provide on this forum, with special regard to the Auber.
Bill, the "P" does look high, but you need to run a "simulated" smoke (not in autotune mode) to test it.  Leave your bricks in there, and set C01 to 225, t, 2.0 hours.  Turn the cold smoker on, and test how it rises to temp, and how it holds.  I'd do this before testing with meat.

Thanks, so much, for the kind compliment!  I'm a little passionate about SI smokers, and mainly our great group of fellow smokers here, so it's all fun!  I'm blessed to be a part of the SI team!