Analog #2 Overheating


New member
I purchased a #2 back in 2014.  Got it out of the garage today for my first smoke of the season.  I planned on smoking a 9 lb butt for pulled pork.  I put my Maverick remote thermometer with one probe in the meat and the other clipped to the shelf.  Set the meat temp alarm on the Maverick to 140 - 200.  Set the box probe to 200 - 300.  I set the knob to around 235, waited for it to come up to temp and headed to bed.  A short while later I was awoken by the box prob hitting 300.  In the past I have never had it go much over 250  when set to 235.  I went out and turned the knob to 220, and set the upper limit alarm to 325, and headed back to bed.  A short time later my alarm was sounding again.  Temp was over 325.  I went out and turned the knob and noticed the light was staying on at any set point except for off.

Really glad I had the alarm set not sure how high the temp may have gone.

Guessing my controller is shot? 

Hi Bruce! Take a close look at your permanent probe on the back wall. If I were a betting man, I would bet it’s covered with baked on “seasoning” we will call it. Try cleaning it and then test your temps again. I think you have a issue very easy to resolve. If that doesn’t do it, an analog replacement is inexpensive and easy to replace.

WeekendWarrior said:
Guessing my controller is shot?

I was thinking the #2 doesn't have a controller... just a rheostat.  I would fully allow for a +/- 40 degree box temp swing, but you were clearly exceeding that.  Did your wood catch on fire?  That can boost the box temp considerably. 

Otherwise, as Doug said, check that the built-in box probe isn't caked up and that nothing is touching it.
old sarge said:
Rheostat or controller they can go bad after a few years. Rare but it happens.

Happened to my #3. I just ended up having a new reason to get an Auber Wifi PID. Solved the temp problem.