4D PID help Programming question


New member

When my 4D is full it takes a awhile to get to my set temp so thought I would raise it to the max until it reaches a goal temp of 225. How would you suggest I program the PID to do this automatically? Here is what I am thinking might work but fairly new to PID setup.

CO1  350  EO1 F 195
CO2 225 EO2 F 195
CO3 140 EO2 T 4.00

It might have to look like this instead:

CO1  350  EO1 T .1
CO2 225 EO2 F 195
CO3 140 EO2 T 4.00
Tman said:
It might have to look like this instead:

CO1  350  EO1 T .1
CO2 225 EO2 F 195
CO3 140 EO2 T 4.00
Make program time for CO1 longer.  What you have set will be no different than a regular program setting of 225.  The element is on full power in either of those cases.  The PID starts backing off the element at about 40 degrees before reaching the set temp.  If you set program one to say 50 degrees higher than the 225 for 45 minutes to an hour, it won't start cutting out as soon. You will likely deal with a little initial overrun.
It sounds like increasing the PID to max doesn't necessarily speed the warm up process since it is in full power to begin with. I will try increasing the time to match. A full box sure does slow this thing down.
one thing that never made sense to me about using temperature and time in our programming is the fact that the clock starts immediately and not when the box reaches the requested temperature.  Per your example, the .5 hour time would be up long before that temperature is reached. The box would maybe be at 150 and shift to program #2.  Again, the advantage of making your 1st program hotter and longer would be that the controller wouldn't start cutting power to the element as early.
Tate - Hope you get it figured out.  Saw your video on youtube with the 6 turkeys.  Looked good. Real tasty!