Okay! I finally had time to call Steve yesterday and talked with him concerning my Auber problems. He did inform me so some software issues in the older models but that he understood that they had been corrected a while back. He suggested that I call Auber and talk to them. So, today I had a little time to call and basically here is what they told me.
They didn't think it was a probe issue and neither did I really since the probes seemed to be reading accurately. However, they did tell me that autotuning sometimes doesn't work so good since their are so many variables at play. Especially sensor location. The first time I autotuned I had the sensor in the left back corner. They said not to put the sensor in a corner because it takes longer for it to get hot in the corners. The second time I autotuned, I put it in the back in the center (about where it would be if I had mounted the wall mount probe). And, of course, the ambient temp (outside air temp) also has an effect on everything. Not to mention how close the sensor is to meat or a wall or anything... in fact, if the sensor is in the clip and the tip is close to part of the metal clip, that will have an effect on it.
Anyway, they recommended manually setting the PID values, which they helped me with doing.
After my second autotune, I had P = 80, I = 600, D = 178 (or so).
After telling them the Brand and Model that I have, they had me change the PID's to:
P = 18, I =600, D = 150
P should be the only value that needs to be changed on this setting. P should range between 15 - 18, depending on the ambient temperature. When it is colder out, the P value should decrease to as low at 15 (he did mention that in some places where it gets real cold, you may go down to as low as 12). When it is warmer out, I should move the P value up to 18. For right now, I will set it at 17 and see how it works.
They told me that I = 600 and D = 150 should not change for the Smokin-it Model 3. The D value should always be 25% of whatever the I value is. I don't know if the I value would change for a Model 2 or 1 but if you have one you might want to give them a call.
Anyway, I have changed my settings and will try to smoke something this weekend and let ya'll know how it turns out.