whole sucking pig

I cook whole pigs in a La Caja China box(Cuban box) which is very easy and convenient, but I happen to agree with you. A well cooked pork butt in an SI rules!
SuperDave said:
puddle jumper said:
I really like the idea of doing this,,,Been wanting to do a hole hog for a long time now,,,looking around and all the cook positions I think with the right sized pig in this position it might just fit into my number 2...
Wheels are tuning,,,
I was too but after reading a lot of the posts on the internet, it sounded like there was so much waste that you ended up with the equivalent of a couple of pork butts for a lot of extra work.  And the clincher was going to a picnic a few weeks ago that included a smoked whole pig.  The flavor was just not even close to what we produce with our standard cuts of pork.  The allure of it has now passed.

I have to agree with you on that its much easier to do a shoulder, but being a BBQ guru that I am somewhere in the back of my brain I just haven't been there done that until I do at least one hole hog,,, LOL  Its a resume thing I guess , just have to do it once 8)  LOL
Limey said:
I cook whole pigs in a La Caja China box(Cuban box) which is very easy and convenient, but I happen to agree with you. A well cooked pork butt in an SI rules!
I have seen more then a few BBQ shows cooking a pig that way which actually took very little time ( fast ) and would like to give this a try ..........any links on how too .
Ginger, the link is http://www.lacajachina.com/. In my experience the boxes work great and are very easy and consistent to use. Remember that you will not get any smoke flavour out of them- I am in the process of modifying mine to utilize an external smoke generator.