New member
Hello everyone. Curt from Battlefield, MO. I own a Little Guy, Model 1. I've had it for several years and aside from replacing the temperature control hardware, (mine is non-digital), it has performed very well. I have searched and read the forums as a guest up until now. I have smoked many pork butts and a few racks of ribs, but that's it. I'm about to smoke a whole turkey for Christmas. I've been studying up by reading this forum and others. Has anyone else with a Model 1 smoked a whole turkey? I'm going with a 12-14 pound bird. I'm looking for any recommendations or suggestions on successfully pulling this off. I'll be brining for at least 12 hours before preparing it to put in the smoker. Considering cherry or apple wood. Thanks in advance for any "sage" advice. See what I did there?