Limey said:Also the issue seems to be evolving. Back in October 2013 Johnnytex posted under "Auber PID Tips and Tricks" that
"I talked to Steve and he said the box and insulation was good to 500 °. The Auber works up to 383 °F. Since the #3 has a1200-watt element, higher temps should not be a problem."
I'm not clear whether the second sentence is Steve or Johnnytex. Incidentally the manual for my Auber(4th gen) states that it can read to 660 and control to 600. Since then Divot has talked to Steve who indicated that the box was good to 350.
I remember hearing this 500 degree number too. So, am wondering when it lowered down to 350 and why?
It would seem that the more recent mention of 350 from Tony would be more current since he does communicate with Steve. But, did this just change for liability sake? Was the originally reported 500 wrong? Was there new testing that lead to the reduction to 350?