uneven results on ribs


New member
#2 smoker. Meaty loin backs - three racks - 235 degrees at 5.5 hours. Thicker loin not finished while thinner meat portions just right. Afraid to cook longer or hotter for fear of overdoing portions.

Any ideas. Meat from Sam's Club. Approx. 10 pounds.
Different thicknesses of meat usually finish at different times. The only thing you can do is foil part of it to slow cooking down.
Usually I just go for the majority where I like it because the differences will be slight.
Dave provides a good thought. You could try to match up ribs by size to be closer in the finish, or just pull the ribs that are done, wrap in foil and hold in an ice chest. And do the same for the other racks as needed.

When I smoke ribs, I always wrap in foil and hold for about 2 hours prior to eating, this process makes them perfect for me. but you can always adjust the hold time as well to find your perfect spot.