Turkey too BIG?


New member
OK folks, have heard everyone talk about not cooking a turkey that's too big. Reasons include "danger zone", extended cooking time and basically, space. Had an 18 lb Tom turkey that was begging to be smoked and I didn't want to offend him by telling him he was too large. That would be almost discriminatory! Where there's a will, there's a way. Had to ask ol Tom to split things up and we could do the smoke thing together. He was much obliged, but afterword just felt like a leftover:-) Brined, halved and smoked. A big bird can be done.


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Whew! You survived!  :D Seriously, since you spatchcocked the bird it doesn't behave like an 18 lb bird. It is a great alternative to doing bigger birds. How long and how hot, etc. did you use?
Not quite spatchcocked, completely halved. It took close to 8 hours @ 250 with switching the top half to bottom at 4 hours. Cooked until the thick of the thigh hit 170 and then let rest an hour or slightly longer. Can't complain about the cook time, as I had planned about 7 hours. Started early so all was good.
Good call, for a bird that big, Jack!  The two 9 lb halves didn't stay in the danger zone long, so that's definitely the way to go with a bird bigger than 14 lbs!  Looks fantastic!
Thanks Tony, it tasted pretty good too! The brining makes all the difference. It was turkey sandwiches for lunch today, so still enjoying it.