The Fireboard remote thermometer, with Bluetooth, WiFi and Cloud Support


New member
I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to evaluate the Fireboard thermometer, and I'm impressed, so far!

Fireboard is another Kickstarter project, and is a Kansas City based company.  The Fireboard has ports for 1 box temp probe, and 6 meat probes (or 7 meat probes, if you don't need to monitor box temp).  It does used wired probes, and they are very good quality.  The probes that are used are certified accurate to +/- 0.4° C (.72°F).  The probes, like the new probes from Auber, are water-resistant, but not waterproof.  As always, care in washing the probes is always good prevention!  They come with 6' cables.

When I received the Fireboard, the packaging was simple and clean.  The instructions were right on top, with the unit itself.  Below, I found the accessories (probes, clip and charger).  The charger is a standard micro-USB charger.

The unit is small, so not much of a footprint.  I was somewhat disappointed that there wasn't a way to mount it (like a clip-on stand that Maverick uses), but then I realized this was the early small-batch production run, for testing.  I understand there will be a magnetic strip included with the full-production models, and will recommend the clip stand.

I downloaded the Android app (also available for iPhone), hooked up the box temp probe and one meat probe.  When I powered the unit up, the Bluetooth connection found it almost immediately!  I then went into the settings and setup my secure WiFi connection, and it synced-up very quick.  So far, so good!  The unit also came fully-charged.  The Fireboard uploads to the Cloud, so you can monitor temps from anywhere with an internet connection (like the Anova SV cooker).  I find that pretty cool.  In the "Detail View" of the app, you can set alarms for temp or time, too.  They are working on app enhancements, especially with regard to graphing.  It also saves your sessions for later review.

Test Smokes:

Tomahawk Steak: 
The first smoke was a 3+ lb "tomahawk steak," from Sam's.  First time I've seen these there, and it was awesome!  Frenched-bone, and a good 2" thick Angus USDA Choice was a thing of beauty!  I went ahead a clipped the box temp probe to the shelf (I normally don't monitor box temp, but this was for testing), and put the meat probe in close to the 2D's meat probe.  They weren't touching, but were close.  I smoked the steak at 190°, to a internal temp of 128°, and then reverse-seared.  Unfortunately, I used a piece of mesquite, and made the mistake of foiling it (didn't need to...not sure what I was thinking).  So, I had a hard time getting much smoke! You'll see a couple of "dips" on the graph, for box temp, where I (gasp!) opened the door!  Long story...nothing to do with the test. :-[

During the smoke, the meat probes were about 1.5° different, with the Fireboard probe being hotter.  I need to check both with boiling water, as I haven't tested the Auber probe on the 2D conversion unit.  Real-time updating to the app was flawless, and it was nice to watch the smoke from in the house (I normally don't use the Maverick with the D models). 

Overall, very tasty results, and I considered this a success.  No issues, at all, with the Fireboard!

Pork Loin:  Sunday, I smoked a 9lb pork loin, cut in two.  Nothing special, just trimmed, coated with pure maple syrup and Famous Dave's Rib Rub.  I didn't brine this one, due to time and other obligations.  For this smoke, I didn't mess with the box probe, just 2 meat probes.  Smoked it at 225°, with 3 oz. of ash wood (great on pork, by the way), to internal 145°.

This test also went very well.  Absolutely no issues with the Fireboard.  I had two halves, and one was thicker than the other, which the SI probe was in.  By the time the SI probe read 145, the Fireboard probes read 150° and 152°, for the thicker and thinner halves.  After slicing the thinner half, while good, I could tell that the Fireboard probe was more accurate, as it was not at 145.  Definitely need to calibrate the SI probes and enter an offset in the controller!  I'm convinced the Fireboard temp probes are accurate, as judged from the results.

Initial Thoughts:

I know that I'm evaluating a first-production batch, and that changes will be made.  Ted Conrad, one of the founders, told me there would be additional enhancements to the app, in coming weeks.  Pricing seems on-par with the Meater, but will be available much sooner.

Fireboard vs. Meater:  Let me just say that I absolutely love the concept of wireless temperature probes, and I truly hope the Meater is a resounding success!  But, the "realist" in me believes that the Meater team will continue facing significant technical issues, with the probes.  I discussed this, with Ted, and he offered this:  "First, its going to be very difficult to protect all the electronics from overheating.  Even burying the components in the section of the probe that is cooler inside the meat might work to some degree, but if there are flare-ups or somehow the heat accidentally gets too high, the outer part of the probe can still be damaged."  I agree, and time will tell just how long the wireless probes last - totally new territory, here!  The wired meat probes, from Fireboard, are $15, vs. $59 for the Meater probe.  This issue of electronics (for temp & Bluetooth transmitter) being buried in a probe is the one reason I have hesitated to back the Meater, or pre-order.  Please, don't beat me up, Meater supporters - just expressing why I have not gone that route, and why I think a product like the Fireboard is more practical, and will probably last longer. 

I will continue to look for flaws, and report on what works/doesn't work, with the Fireboard.  But so far, if you are looking for a remote, multi-probe solution, with Bluetooth and WiFi, you might want to check the Fireboard.

The Fireboard


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Tony - Great review.  I just checked pricing.  The extreme kit seems pretty reasonable considering all that it comes with. Looks real good.
Tony, sounds pretty much like Tappecue, but with a couple extra probe ports, and higher quality probes. Are there any other differences? If I were replacing my Maverick, I think Fireboard or Tappecue would be good options.
Kari, I think it's on-par with the Tappecue, but better pricing.  I know, too, there will be improvements, like a water-resistant case and stand/hanger.  I love that you can probe 6 or 7 different pieces of meat!  I need to use it more, and check both of the probes (SI & Fireboard), but so far, I'm impressed.

As a sidenote - I'm also very impressed with the company; it reminds me a lot of Smokin-It.  Small startup, in Kansas City, with really good people running it.  I'm a sucker for small companies with the guts to attempt a startup!
Very good review. It definitely looks like a solid practical unit that should last a long time.

I went with The Meater and figure I am going for the Gold as it is probably a higher risk / higher reward type of proposition. If it works and the probes hold up, I am going to be very happy with my choice based on the features as compared to the Fireboard. But, I realize that I am taking somewhat of a gamble.

I do agree that The Meater probably has a greater possibility to have issues. If I planned on using it for more high temp grilling I may have been more worried. But, for the low temp smokes that I do, I am not too worried about heat or temp spikes ruining the electronics.

My personal opinion is that the Fireboard is still a little clunky looking compared to The Meater. But, that is purely a subjective opinion and really doesn't mean a hill of beans for how well it will do its job.

So, all in all, I hope they both end up being strong units that people can review and purchase the one (or both :)) that best fit their needs.

Thanks for the review and I look forward to seeing more test results as well as some day putting some of my own Meater results up.

Smoke On My Friends!
NDKoze said:
Very good review. It definitely looks like a solid practical unit that should last a long time.

I went with The Meater and figure I am going for the Gold as it is probably a higher risk / higher reward type of proposition. If it works and the probes hold up, I am going to be very happy with my choice based on the features as compared to the Fireboard. But, I realize that I am taking somewhat of a gamble.

I do agree that The Meater probably has a greater possibility to have issues. If I planned on using it for more high temp grilling I may have been more worried. But, for the low temp smokes that I do, I am not too worried about heat or temp spikes ruining the electronics.

My personal opinion is that the Fireboard is still a little clunky looking compared to The Meater. But, that is purely a subjective opinion and really doesn't mean a hill of beans for how well it will do its job.

So, all in all, I hope they both end up being strong units that people can review and purchase the one (or both :)) that best fit their needs.

Thanks for the review and I look forward to seeing more test results as well as some day putting some of my own Meater results up.

Smoke On My Friends!

I'm with you on that one Gregg! Fireboard is another version of technology that already exists, maybe at better quality and price, but Meater is a whole new ball game. If it works, it will revolutionize BBQ thermometers. And I'm sure if the technology is not perfect in the beginning, it will improve, and eventually replace all wired units. Until then, we'll all need awesome wired units with Wifi and graphing like Fireboard or Tappecue, but I think their days are numbered.
Valid points, Kari and Gregg.  I, too, really hope the Meater wireless technology works - and lasts!  After a little more research, I think their main problem will be finding consumer-grade components (price-wise) that hold up to the heat, whether it be 200-300° in our smokers, or on a grill.  There is military-grade components that certainly can, but not anywhere near the price point they need to be at, to be realistically competitive.  I really do wish them success, because they truly are innovating the field! 

You are right - until the technology is perfected, and widely-available, we are going to be tethered to our probes.  Personally, I don't mind that so much - been doing it for a long time, and if one goes bad, it's $15 to replace, vs. $59.  I, too, can't wait to see some comparisons!
How well the Meater withstands temp remains to be seen. And concern over longevity is a good point. They seem pretty darn thorough with all of their testing, so I'm hopeful.

The stated maximum temperatures for Meater are:
Internal temperature sensor range: 212°F (100°C)
Ambient temperature sensor range: 527°F (275°C)

The components that were chosen can go beyond these maximums. The meat insulates the internal sensor (where the electronics are), and unless the meat has absolutely no moisture left at all, it's almost impossible for the internal temp to exceed the boiling point of water. It will need to be inserted far enough into the meat to protect the electronics. There is an etched line indicating this location. If Meater starts to come close to exceeding the maximums, there will be a warning in the app.
Kari, I hope it works well - I have my fingers crossed for the Meater!  Until the wireless technology is proven, this is a good option.  Still looking forward to the "real world" trials!
Thank you @DivotMaker for taking a look at this and for your review.

I'm the creator of FireBoard if anyone has any questions I'm happy to chime in.  Thank you!
Welcome to "Club Lazy Q," Ted!  When you have time, head over to the Introductions section and maybe tell us a little about your BBQ background.  Be careful, though!  If you hang out here enough, you'll probably be ordering a Smokin-It smoker! ;)  I'm sure folks will have some questions for you!


Just a note for everyone, about "forum etiquette."  Ted did not just join us, and start spamming us with his offering.  He contacted me, weeks ago, and we had several conversations about his product.  Fireboard reminds me a SI; small entrepreneurs creating a product they believe in.  I asked Ted to join in the discussions, and introduce himself.

Now that Ted is here, y'all ask him all the questions you want, and I believe you will get honest answers!  He would not have asked me to review the Fireboard if he didn't want honest feedback (that was my "conditions" upfront)!
Ditto what Tony said. Welcome from SE Arizona. I went through your site when Tony first wrote up the review. I rarely use a remote therm but I did get do have to say that your FireBoard has me thinking I have to have one.  Looks more like a serious tool rather than a gadget. I am impressed.  It should go nicely with SI.
I'm new to the forum.  Had my model #2 for about a month with great results.  Really enjoyed using it.  I'm very curious about this thermometer.  I do need a new one or at least tell myself I do.  I've been getting by the last few weeks on simple thermometers I already had, but would like to upgrade to something with remote capabilities, multiple ports, etc.  I'm curious on everyone's thoughts.  Is this something I should wait on for release and production and bide my time with what I currently have, or should I just put down for a Maverick 732 or 733 and call it a day.  I guess I could always upgrade down the road, but not really wanting to spend a ton of money for multiple thermometers.  Plus the wife will start asking why we have 4 or 5 different ones when we currently have 3.  Appreciate any direction.
aswails said:
I'm new to the forum.  Had my model #2 for about a month with great results.  Really enjoyed using it.  I'm very curious about this thermometer.  I do need a new one or at least tell myself I do.  I've been getting by the last few weeks on simple thermometers I already had, but would like to upgrade to something with remote capabilities, multiple ports, etc.  I'm curious on everyone's thoughts.  Is this something I should wait on for release and production and bide my time with what I currently have, or should I just put down for a Maverick 732 or 733 and call it a day.  I guess I could always upgrade down the road, but not really wanting to spend a ton of money for multiple thermometers.  Plus the wife will start asking why we have 4 or 5 different ones when we currently have 3.  Appreciate any direction.

The Fireboard looks like an excellent new thermometer with some cool features. But, I would encourage you to at least check out "The Meater" before making a purchasing decision. I think you will find that they both have their pros and cons of which only you can decide which of them are more important to you. I went all in on "The Meater" when it was in its KickStarter phase by ordering a Meater Block with 4 probes.

They are tentatively set to start shipping the first batches of the single Meaters for KickStarter backers in November 2016 and hopefully soon after for The Meater Blocks, with "estimated" December 2016 for single Meaters and "Estimated" January 2017 for The Meater Blocks for the pre-orders that are currently being submitted (according to their website). I got in on the initial KickStarter campaign and have been patiently waiting for "The Meater" to start shipping because I see this as a truly revolutionary product (completely wireless, really?) that does not have any true competitors.

Personally (others can correct me if I am miscategorizing), I see the Fireboard product as more of a new take on a thermometer product that has some like products  (Tappeque, Thermoworks, etc) already out there that appears to be of very high quality and value compared to many of its direct competitors.

Admittedly, because "The Meater" is such a revolutionary product, there is probably a little more risk involved with The Meater than there is for the Fireboard product. But, I was willing to take that risk in hopes of the high reward outcome. Again, this is something you need to research and decide which of these or other options is the right one for you.

In an attempt to not hijack this thread further, I would recommend either creating a new thread topic or add on to the current The Meater (wireless meat thermometers) - Kickstarter project thread that has already been created with any Meater related questions.

This all being said, there is nothing wrong with going with an ever popular Maverick ET-732 or ET-733 if that is all you can afford or are willing to spend on a thermometer at this time. I have a Maverick ET-733 and am very happy with it especially after replacing the standard probes with waterproof probes. Admittedly, I probably didn't take care of my OEM probes (likely got them wet) that came with the ET-733, which is why my probes started acting up and eventually quit working. I have had excellent luck with my new waterproof probes and still try not to get them wet as I am guessing that in reality they should be considered more water resistant than waterproof.
Gregg, I appreciate that you are "all in" on the Meater; it will be a great product, if it ever comes to fruition.  It is a radical concept, and I wish them the best!  As I mentioned on Kari's post, if it is ever actually delivered, and if it proves to work out, over time, I will be an owner!  But, I just can't help but take a "wait and see" approach to this.  In the interim, I'll stick with wires and smoke some Q. ;)

I hear you, about recommending to go with a basic Maverick and wait for the Meater.  Good recommendation, for those that are also willing to wait and bet on an unknown.  You currently have temp monitoring covered, but others may not.  For those that want graphing, WiFi, Bluetooth, and accuracy soon, why not go with something like the Fireboard, that will be available this month?  I will be surprised if the Jan '17 date isn't pushed back again, with Meater.  I'm afraid we'll be relying on wires for awhile longer, so why not get the "best" wires available?  At least, until the wireless technology is proven?
DivotMaker said:
Gregg, I appreciate that you are "all in" on the Meater; it will be a great product, if it ever comes to fruition.  It is a radical concept, and I wish them the best!  As I mentioned on Kari's post, if it is ever actually delivered, and if it proves to work out, over time, I will be an owner!  But, I just can't help but take a "wait and see" approach to this.  In the interim, I'll stick with wires and smoke some Q. ;)

I hear you, about recommending to go with a basic Maverick and wait for the Meater.  Good recommendation, for those that are also willing to wait and bet on an unknown.  You currently have temp monitoring covered, but others may not.  For those that want graphing, WiFi, Bluetooth, and accuracy soon, why not go with something like the Fireboard, that will be available this month?  I will be surprised if the Jan '17 date isn't pushed back again, with Meater.  I'm afraid we'll be relying on wires for awhile longer, so why not get the "best" wires available?  At least, until the wireless technology is proven?

I can't argue with anything you said here. I think it WILL happen, but tend to agree that it is quite possible that the dates could get pushed again, and there still is a gamble on how good The Meater will be. It is not inconceivable that I end up with a Fireboard some day too. But, I think I'll hold out for a bit longer with cautious optimism that The  Meater will be all that has been promised.

Best of luck to all these new products!
After looking at the Meater, I think I'll have to take the wait and see approach as well.  Great concept and great looking product.  I hope it works.  I'm comfortable being wired in for now.  Is there a target ship date?  I didn't actually see one for it.
aswails said:
After looking at the Meater, I think I'll have to take the wait and see approach as well.  Great concept and great looking product.  I hope it works.  I'm comfortable being wired in for now.  Is there a target ship date?  I didn't actually see one for it.

There is a bit of a gamble with The Meater I will grant you that. But, there is a high reward for the risk. If you have a thermometer to use now, you could hold off and do a wait and see. Or get a wired model and see how it goes.

Estimated ship dates are currently set for November 2016 for the single Meater Probes and most likely December for the 4-Probe Meater blocks for the initial backers. If you click the Pre-Order button, scroll down to the available packages that you can pre-order right now, and then you will see that they are estimating December 2016 for the single Meater probes and January 2017 for the 4-probe Meater blocks.

But, like Kari said, they have been pushing the dates a little bit all the way along rather than trying to overestimate and then deliver prior to the estimate. This is what I would typically try to do. I think it is pretty safe to say that they should be shipping sometime in Q1.