Store corned beef to Pastrami

I was just rereading this thread a noted SuperDave's comment. I have also used Eye of the Round it makes great pastrami. I used bison, not beef and it was wonderful.
In my opinion a pastrami can never be steamed properly in the oven. Delis use special steam trays that steam meat all day. I just dont think you can get the same results by covering, or not, the meat in an average oven.
I never argue with anyones good experiences Dave. As I said, in my opinion. I have cooked many pastramis and thats the way I have had great success. To me there is nothing like a rolling boil where that hot moist steam is blasting away at the meat.
For anybody that likes real NY Jewish Deli pastrami check out the recipe at Meathead's site (amazin ribs).  He has a near perfect clone of Katz Deli pastrami, right down to the steaming time and meat temp. 