Standing Prime Rib Roast on the #3


New member
I remember reading somewhere on this forum that a member here did not think the smokin it would be that great for a beef roast. I can tell you for sure, he is dead wrong! I started with a 3 bone bone-in Choice Standing Rib Roast from Costco. I got it home, cut the bones off, slathered it in a garlic olive oil and added a liberal dose of Stub's Steak Seasoning, then tied the bones back on. I put it in the fridge for 24 hours.

Two hours before smoke time, I took it out and left it on the counter. When it was time, I put the roast in my cold #3 with three blocks of Cherry Chunks. I set it for 200 degrees. about 5 1/2 hours later it reached 120. I pulled it out and let it sit on the counter under foil while I made the Yorkshire Puddings (FANTASTIC and easy). When the puddings went in the oven, I fired up my natural gas Weber to its highest setting.

10 minutes before the puddings were done, I put a double layer of foil down on the Weber grate and put the Prime Rib in it and closed the lid. I left it shut for 8 minutes at 550 degrees, when I pulled it off the crust was beautiful! I put it on the board and carved it right away (no need to rest it - it already reseted on the board before the sear).

One of the pics is blurry, sorry. I have made Prime Ribs dozens of times usually on my Big Green Egg using this same tried and true method. I always get yummy, juicy tender as can be Prime Rib - this one was right up there with the absolute best ones even though it was Choice cut. It was a total rain out of a day, and that made it that much better as I keep the smokin it in my nice dry screen room.


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Beautiful job, Big!  This is the same method I use - low temp, then reverse-sear.  I usually reverse-sear in a hot oven, depending on the temp.  Here's one I did last Christmas:

This cut is perfect for our smokers!  I'm looking forward to this year's prime rib! ;D
ok, the pics done it.  I know what I am serving my guests for New Year's Eve.  Rib roast is traditional, but we've never had one smoked!  Yum!  Just hope my cherry wood gets here in time.
Prime rib is absolutely my favorite smoke of the year!  Eric - personally, I prefer hickory, mesquite or oak on beef...but that's just me.  I save the cherry for pork and poultry. ;)  Don't get me wrong - cherry gives beef a great flavor, I just prefer a little "bolder" flavor profile with beef.
Thanks for the info, Tony. I'm new at this, so all advice is appreciated, especially when I am serving guests.  Perhaps a mix of cherry and hickory?
Cherry & hickory would be good, Eric.  I use that combo a lot - the hickory adds a little more boldness to the cherry, which is very mild.
Bought a 10.5 lb USDA Choice prime rib yesterday.  Looking forward to getting it in the smoker!  I really wanted to dry-age one this year, but couldn't find one early enough.  I'll keep it in the cryo-bag, so it will be wet-aged this year.  Results to follow next week!
Have you seen the Umai bags for dry aging at home?

These work VERY well. I have done as long as 45 days with these.
Hi all!!!  Just want to check in with a few questions.  I thought I bought an 18# prime rib roast, bone in, at Sam's Club but when I got it home and really inspected, it is a rib eye roast and not even sure there are bones???  I'm really not an airhead, but was coming down with the creeping crud and still had 90 miles to go before collapsing.  That was Sunday and I am only now able to get on the computer to ask questions.

So, down to the "meat"...18# rib eye roast...internal temp?  If no bones, do I truss it up?  Wood to use and how much of which?  Rub to use?  (Have "Jeff’s “Texas Style” Rub" recipe???)  Memphis dust???  Cabela's Prime Rib Rub????  Do I plaster on mustard to adhere the rub? 

The results on this post sound amazing, but so did Tony's from last year!  I really want to make a trial run on the roast and am thinking of taking off 3-4 lbs to trial smoke, but am curious about shrinkage and how many people your roasts' fed for the occasion.  If I have a 13 lb. roast, how many people will that feed????
Need help!  Thanks!
Eye of the round is a tough piece of meat. I recommend going to the charcuterie section and following the Pastrami recipe.
What makes you think he has an eye of round roast Brian?

It sounds like it is a boneless rib roast to me.
WessPort said:
Here is my cut...

Oh no - THAT good sir is  a BEAUTIFUL Rib Roast. It is probably boneless, but really that does not matter that much. The bones are not absolutely essential for an AMAZING dinner! You can do this a few ways, if you want the whole thing to be one GIANT Prime Rib, you can cook the whole thing - OR you can cut steaks (these will then be Rib Eye Steaks) form the largest end and vacuum seal them or grill them up.

Either way, the method to make the Prime Rib Roast is exactly the same with or without bone huge or small! There is no need to tie that roast, it will hold its shape just fine. Make sure you season it very well at least the night before you cook it , you want time for the salt to do its work! This is one of the keys to flavor town!

I would cook this low and slow, take it out of the fridge a few hours before you want to cook it and leave it on the counter. Put it in the cold smoker set to 200 degrees with whatever wood you want and let it rip! It will take around 40 minutes per pound (really rough guess as it can vary widely, bone in or boneless does not really change the time per pound). The huge roast will take over 11 hours to get to 120 - 124 degrees. Pull it then for medium rare and let it sit tented with foil until you are ready to eat. Just before dinner preheat a grill or oven to its highest temperature and put the roast in for 8 to10 minutes to get that outside crust, take it out and carve right away (no need for a second rest). It will be SPECTACULAR!