Spare Ribs, Eggs, and Potatoes

all egg shells are porous, thats how the smoke makes its way in.  My kids love to snack on these eggs and it is so easy to make.  The hard part is remembering to place them in there when I am smoking.

Some ideas to help with your lazy-q:
potato salad goes well with bbq, throw in some potatoes and eggs when you start your smoke and you will have some of the main ingredients to make awesome potato salad without dirtying any more dishes.
deviled eggs are good with bbq
throw in some eggs when you start your cook and the eggs will be ready to be deviled half way through your rib smoke
corn is good with bbq
Take some fresh corn, silk and all and toss it in the smoker.  The moisture from the husk and silk will steam the corn while the smoke permeates the corn.  When the corn is done, cut the corn from the stem end and squeeze the corn out of the husk from the end and the corn on the cob will exit leaving behind the silk inside the husk

I am sure there are other fun things to toss in the smoker while you are smoking your main meal.