Smoker outside year round?


New member
Does anyone leave their smoker outside through the midwest seasons of snow, rain, sunshine? I currently have mine covered and it's starting to snow and I'm wondering if my deck is the best place for it or if I should move it to the garage for the winter.


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It should be fine if you are keeping it covered.  On your deck, it is ready to smoke whenever the urge strikes whereas in the garage you have to exert a little extra effort if you want to smoke. However, it never hurts to err on the side of caution. 
I keep mine on the deck year round...not problems.  I keep the #2 covered with the SI cover whenever it is not in use, and I slide it up next to the house on the deck so it has some cover from the roof overhang.  Otherwise, though, no worries with keeping it on the deck in any weather.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if the temperature dial was waterproof or not. I figured the stainless steel was probably ok. This is a well built product.
I'm in ND and leave mine under cover on my deck (up against the house), and have never had a problem.
Mine sits in the garage covered, temp does not get below 50. It sit right next to the snowblower and generator.