SI vs Traeger vs Keg - Round One Results are IN!!

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Looks like win-win-win to me. you guys to get to eat some great ribs.  I also would like to congratulate your son on being an excellent judge.  ;)
Those SI ones do look good! They were much meatier than the other 2 racks. I may have to go back in a bit to nibble a little more of those bad boys ;)

There will be a round 2 coming up with Boston Butts. I'll go ahead and tell you that I am betting today's winner will finish last in Round 2! It will be a Keg and SI battle (based on past experience). I should have a much larger test panel too, so this ought to be a good one!!
Thanks from taking the time to do this, pretty cool. It looks like the Trager Ribs may have been a little meatier, that may have been an issue. The Keg ribs appear dry where they?

I don't knock the Trager, I don't own one but have unrestricted access to a friends Large Trager. t is a good unit for most things but I like my SI or a searing hot bead of coals too.
The SI ribs had the most meat by far.  I don't ever use any water when I smoke.  The keg ribs were not dry at all,  none of them were, all were moist from each smoker.  I thought about adding a little pan of liquid to the SI but did not want to give one smoker an advantage over the other.  All cooked for the same time,  same temp,  same rub,  same wood.

That's a drip pan on the keg btw, keeps juice from getting on my coals causing "bad" smoke.
Limey said:
Jason, thanks for doing this-finally! Keep up the good work.

It was fun! I look forward to the next one with the butts, I just have to wait until there's enough people here to help eat all of that swine, lol.
This is awesome, Thanks for sharing,,  8), I love doing this kind of thing, I do different rubs and cooking test with my family all the time to find out what they, and I like the best,, nothing like having then side by side to judge against...

Oh and by the way I know what you mean about cooking for the family,, I cook for my family reunions every year,, yes I love to do it, but yes its also a pain in the butt as well,,,you just cant make everyone happy...
Nice job, and I'm always interested in different ways of cooking, that's one of the reasons I like reading on here always new and good ideas around here to try...
well done, look forward to round two...
PS, sorry you are catching heat on the other forum not cool,, but I get the same thing on my FB Q page every time I mention I cook Q on A electric smoker...
PJ, I see you're in N. GA! Good to see another Georgia Boy on here ;)

As I told the guys over at the Keg forum, I am loyal to the Keg. I love it. I own 2 of them and almost bought a 3rd but wanted to expand my horizons and I am NOT a BBQ Snob and don't look down on other devices as some do. I love to cook, I love BBQ and I love to try new things so the SI was the PERFECT cooker for me to try. No regrets. This forum is very friendly, took me right in ;D I know I haven't done many cooks to share on my SI but I still feel welcomed here, and that means a lot!

My Keg guys are just very passionate about the Keg, and that's fine. Some of the fellas over there have Weber's, Gassers, Stick burners, pellet grills, other kamados as well and they understand me a little better. Some of the guys ONLY have/want Kegs and that's their choice but I'll NEVER understand why people get so upset if you don't think like they do. I am a Moderator over there and I guess maybe they feel I should tow the company line and only talk glowingly about the Keg. I love it but it's not the end all be all. Some people would rather you lie to them and tell them want they want to hear versus telling the truth. I am a no B.S. type of person, so that's not ever going to happen, lol.

I actually didn't even post this test over there. My initial post over there was as same as I posted here. A "Coming Soon" deal. Same picture, same everything. Right away they showed their true colors so I deleted the post and said to heck with it. I had some members PM me and agreed about the select few that were being childish and told me to let them know how it turned out. They never got over the Traeger vs Keg challenge that I did when I first got the Traeger. It was never designed to make one seem better than the other, just to compare. The Traeger makes better chicken than the Keg. The didn't like hearing that. Some started telling me how to cook the chicken if you can believe that, lol. The Traeger makes better ribs than the Keg as well, so naturally they wouldn't like hearing that either :P

What's funny is that my Wife is a member over on the Keg forum and she actually made a post about the ribs and basically told the tale about how the Keg finished last. A few commented but it was crickets from the ones who originally gave me grief. The SI performed great, I was happy with the results. I love that sucker!

Now the Keg can bake, cook steaks and fish like a pro. Kegged pizzas are the best I've ever eaten. Makes great Paella. So it has it's place. I just have love in my heart for anything that can make me a better cook and let me make food for the people I love and make them happy. That's all I am after.
Interesting comparison Jason. Thank you for spending the time to do it. There is a place for everything. We all would like whatever we have to be the best and will defend it so. I am also sure that they all produce great Q. Comparisons of any kind will draw differing opinions. Maybe your work will inspire others to try new things as well, including the SI.
I've told numerous people I know, who have a love of smoking, about the SI and recommended it to them. I think I have a #2 almost sold to a buddy. He will be coming over soon and I'll feed him something good from my #3 and he'll order one that day, I'm sure of it ;D

I've also recommended Traeger and Kegs to people as well as different gadgets I've bought over the years and some have taken my recommendations and purchased based off it what I said. If I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't recommend it to people. Conversely, I have also steered people away from things I bought! I know human nature is to defend what we choose to buy, but I've bought some junk in my time. Just because I own it doesn't make it the best. Some people though are too proud to admit they bought something that sucks, lol.

I am happy with every last grill/smoker that I currently own. The ones I didn't care for have been given away.
Well-said, Jason!  There are MANY great smokers/grills out there, and each fit different needs!  It's like our discussion about the Santa Maria grills!  Having different options is great!

Sounds like some of your folks need to be reminded of this:

I own both an SI#2 with the PID controller that I added and a Traeger 3400 Pro.  Both are capable of doing a good job, but I much prefer the SI.  I live in Florida with high humidity and keeping the Traeger pellets dry is a challenge.  I have had the auger is my Traeger freeze up twice in 6 months and you have to take it apart to fix.  Also, cooking temperature fluctuates more on the Treager.  You have to clean the Traeger after every 3 to 4 smokes and it is a pain.  The Traeger does produce more smoke and you get a smokier taste.  I love the set it and forget aspect of the SI and the minimal clean up required.  I have decided to part with the Traeger after less than a year. 