PJ, I see you're in N. GA! Good to see another Georgia Boy on here
As I told the guys over at the Keg forum, I am loyal to the Keg. I love it. I own 2 of them and almost bought a 3rd but wanted to expand my horizons and I am NOT a BBQ Snob and don't look down on other devices as some do. I love to cook, I love BBQ and I love to try new things so the SI was the PERFECT cooker for me to try. No regrets. This forum is very friendly, took me right in ;D I know I haven't done many cooks to share on my SI but I still feel welcomed here, and that means a lot!
My Keg guys are just very passionate about the Keg, and that's fine. Some of the fellas over there have Weber's, Gassers, Stick burners, pellet grills, other kamados as well and they understand me a little better. Some of the guys ONLY have/want Kegs and that's their choice but I'll NEVER understand why people get so upset if you don't think like they do. I am a Moderator over there and I guess maybe they feel I should tow the company line and only talk glowingly about the Keg. I love it but it's not the end all be all. Some people would rather you lie to them and tell them want they want to hear versus telling the truth. I am a no B.S. type of person, so that's not ever going to happen, lol.
I actually didn't even post this test over there. My initial post over there was as same as I posted here. A "Coming Soon" deal. Same picture, same everything. Right away they showed their true colors so I deleted the post and said to heck with it. I had some members PM me and agreed about the select few that were being childish and told me to let them know how it turned out. They never got over the Traeger vs Keg challenge that I did when I first got the Traeger. It was never designed to make one seem better than the other, just to compare. The Traeger makes better chicken than the Keg. The didn't like hearing that. Some started telling me how to cook the chicken if you can believe that, lol. The Traeger makes better ribs than the Keg as well, so naturally they wouldn't like hearing that either
What's funny is that my Wife is a member over on the Keg forum and she actually made a post about the ribs and basically told the tale about how the Keg finished last. A few commented but it was crickets from the ones who originally gave me grief. The SI performed great, I was happy with the results. I love that sucker!
Now the Keg can bake, cook steaks and fish like a pro. Kegged pizzas are the best I've ever eaten. Makes great Paella. So it has it's place. I just have love in my heart for anything that can make me a better cook and let me make food for the people I love and make them happy. That's all I am after.