I know this is an old topic, but I used to live in Lompoc (LOM-POKE is the correct pronunciation if you were wondering). My neighbor did Santa Maria BBQ catering on the side. I never realized how lucky I was. If his scraps weren't enough, there were times when the grocery stores would have tri-tip for $.99/Lbs (1994-1998ish). You could go to the commissary and buy a case of them untrimmed for $50-$60. Last time I saw one it was north of $8/lbs and that was several years ago. 5.99/lbs at Albertsons in Santa Maria this week

. Can't even find one in stores on the east coast; butcher this weekend tried to convince me a well trimmed bottom round would be the same. Nuh-uh. Anyways, I digress, and need to return to the beans. Aw man, the beans. I would get his leftovers, and get them by the gallon. They were so good I would eat them cold for breakfast. He would never reveal his recipe, but I knew enough to know there was a hint of cinnamon, and more obviously, he used Chorizo sausage instead of ham or bacon.
I made the recipe Divot Maker posted this weekend, sans the pinquito beans and sub'd in canned pintos instead. Of course, chorizo as my pork product of choice. I made one batch with a can of green chiles, another with fresh chopped Anaheim. Not sure I could tell the difference. At some point maybe I'll add a dash of cinnamon and see what happens.
This recipe though, these were the best damn beans I ever had. I thought maybe I was biased. I took some into to work today, and now have some requests for a couple of quarts to dole out.
This post resurrected some great memories. And if you're going to do something well, why not beans?
Sorry for bringing an old thread back, hope I didn't run afoul of any etiquette rules. It's been a while since I have been online here, I started fly fishing a couple of years ago and that has consumed my limited online presence.