Rookie Smoker - Need Guidance for BB Ribs


New member
I have a #2 and will be smoking 3 racks of BB Ribs on Sunday.  Reading the through the forum, I know the meat should go as high as possible and the cook time is around 5-6 hours at 225-235.  My question is if I have meat on 3 shelves in the smoker, how much will that affect my cooking times?

Thanks in Advance.
Not sure on the #2 but I did ribs in my #1 the other day. Do the tooth pick check at 4 1/2 hours. If done pull them out. What I did wrong was leave some in the smoker while taking half the slab to my Dads. So they spent another 1hr in the smoker after I had added sauce. Needless to say the bark had turned back to mush. Once they are done I would pull and then put sauce on them cut and eat. At 235 degrees should be done at 5 hour mark.
Baby backs tend to have a thick end and a thin end.  Are you cutting your racks or do they fit on your grate?  If you are cutting them in half, put the thick sections on the lower grates. 
Greg, I have a #2 also and with baby backs I always cook them at 225 to 235 for 5 hours (no peek). Take them out and sauce them and put them back in for about 30 more minutes or until the sauce sets and they turn out perfect every time.
elkins - Whats the toothpick test?

SuperDave - I haven't measured yet.

Grampy - Does it matter how many racks you have in there for a 5 hr cook time?

You guys are awesome.
I learned this from Super Dave if my mind is correct. But, at the 4 1/2 half mark or 5 hour mark. Insert a tooth pick between the bones move up and down if the meat pulls without breaking the tooth pick it is done. Also should feel like a knife going into warm butter. It will pull out very easy also. Also when I did my ribs which was a slab. The meat shrunk from the end of the bones about 1/4 inch. But, have also read this is not a good sign they are done. I used the tooth pick test and seemed to work fine.
For 3 racks, you will need to cut them in half to fit in the smoker.  You will need three shelves, one for each rack.  I agree with Dave to put the thicker pieces on the lower rack, thinner parts up higher.  I let mine go for 4.5 hours at 235F (no peaky), then I remove, sauce, and put them back on for another hour to finish.  Pretty much fall off the bone every time.  Good luck...let us know how you make out.

I actually have my butcher remove the membrane and cut them in half for me...
Greg, I almost always cook 3 racks when I cook baby backs but I do cut them in half. By cutting them in half  you can fit 3 racks of baby backs onto the top 2 racks without over crowding. Like Steve and SuperDave suggested, put the thicker pieces on the 2nd shelf and the thinner ones on top. 
My BB ribs are normally cut in half so they fit in my freezer so that is what I work with.  I normally do 4.5 hours at 225 degrees with 3 oz wood.  My favorite wood combo is 2 oz hickory and 1 oz apple.
Welcome to the party, Booray!  Now that you're here, go ahead and add your first name and town to your signature line, so we know who our newest member of "Club Lazy Q" is! 8)

Looks like the guys have you lined-out on the ribs!  I cut my racks in half, for the #2, and use 1 shelf per rack.  Thick pieces on the bottom, thin up top.  Also, I might add that you get the best results by removing the membrane, cover with cheap yellow mustard and rub, wrap in plastic, and let "get happy" in the fridge overnight before smoking.  The rub will penetrate the meat, and the salt in the rub will help them stay moist.  Also add a water pan to the bottom of the smoker, during the cook.  I use a disposable mini loaf pan, with apple juice or water, on the bottom of the smoker, tucked up tight to the smoke box.  Fill it 3/4 full, put the ribs in, set to 235 with 3 oz of wood, and don't peek until 4 1/2 hours.

When you test for doneness, use a wooden toothpick.  If it goes in easy, and you can pull the meat sideways (away from a bone), they're done!  If not, give it another 20-30 min and test again.
Thanks for the welcome. When you guys talk about the mustard, do you lather them up pretty good or a light coat?
I use a light coat too hold the rub on. And is very strange as the mustard cooks away and there is not taste of it at all.
Ribs are in. 2 1/2 hours into the smoke. Here's a pic of prepped ribs.


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This is where I need the experts. Had 4 racks in, big pieces on bottom racks, small pieces on top. Bottom rack was done at 4 hrs 45 min (temp 195) all other racks are now in the smoker for 6 hrs showing temps between 165-180. Should I take them out and wrap them or let them ride it out?

Btw - First rack was awesome
Usually most people here do not do ribs with an Internal Temp. Just go by time, usually at 5 hour mark cooking at 235 they are done. Then if you want to putt some BBQ sauce can do it then and back in the smoker for 30 min. Are they tender when you insert a toothpick between the bones.
Success. Finished product was fantastic. Thanks for your help. On to a butt for pulled pork.


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