I have made hundreds of pounds of sausage over the years. But, have always left the Ring Bologna to my late uncle who was a butcher. Well, now that he is gone I figured it was time to start trying to make my own. Well, kind of.
I wish that I had thought to get his ring bologna recipe, but alas I did not get it from him before he passed. So, I used a packaged mix from Walton's Inc,. And it turned out pretty dang good. I will be making some more of this stuff for sure.
I pretty much followed the recipe from the Walton's Inc website with a few small variations. I have documented the process that I used below:
Meat Block:
• 5 lbs. 90% Lean Ground Beef
• 7.5 lbs. Deboned Boston Butt
• 1/2 bag Excalibur Ring Bologna Unit Seasoning
• 1 Oz. Sure Cure #1 (cure pack is included with seasoning)
• 1/2 Quart Ice Cold Water
• 3 Oz. Sure Gel Binder
1. Grind deboned Boston Butt through a 3/16" grinding plate one time.
2. Grind the lean ground Beef and once ground Pork through a 1/8th inch plate alternating pork to beef to start mixing the meat as I ground.
1. The meat was starting to get kind of warm. So I placed it out on my deck in the 0 degree weather for 30 minutes to cool it off.
2. Placed the chilled meat in my meat mixer and took it for a few spins to start mixing the pork and beef.
3. Combine the Bologna mix, Sure Gel, Sure Cure #1, and cold water in a container and whisk well to make sure that any clumps were mixed up and placed ion the fridge to chill.
4. While my boys took turns mixing, I started adding the seasoning a little bit at a time until it was all in.
5. Mix for 5 minutes or until sticky.
6. Stuff into the 40MM X 18" Collagen Ring Bologna Casings that I had also purchased from Walton’s Inc.
7. I then hung the rings on my Sausage Rack Mini (SRM-1000) and let them rest on my garage overnight.
Smoking Instructions:
1. I cut ½” dowels to size and hung my bologna on the top rack of my #3.
2. Smoke with 4-6 Oz. of your choice of wood.
3. Smoke for 1 hour at 150°.
4. Smoke for 1 hour at 175°.
5. Smoke for 1 hour at 200°.
6. Add James Jerky Dryer.
7. Smoke for at 200° until the Ring Bologna hits an internal temperature of 160°.
8. Immediately spray with ice cold water, soak in an ice bath, or rest outside in 0° weather like I had the day I smoked my bologna.

I pretty much followed the recipe from the Walton's Inc website with a few small variations. I have documented the process that I used below:
Meat Block:
• 5 lbs. 90% Lean Ground Beef
• 7.5 lbs. Deboned Boston Butt
• 1/2 bag Excalibur Ring Bologna Unit Seasoning
• 1 Oz. Sure Cure #1 (cure pack is included with seasoning)
• 1/2 Quart Ice Cold Water
• 3 Oz. Sure Gel Binder
1. Grind deboned Boston Butt through a 3/16" grinding plate one time.
2. Grind the lean ground Beef and once ground Pork through a 1/8th inch plate alternating pork to beef to start mixing the meat as I ground.
1. The meat was starting to get kind of warm. So I placed it out on my deck in the 0 degree weather for 30 minutes to cool it off.
2. Placed the chilled meat in my meat mixer and took it for a few spins to start mixing the pork and beef.
3. Combine the Bologna mix, Sure Gel, Sure Cure #1, and cold water in a container and whisk well to make sure that any clumps were mixed up and placed ion the fridge to chill.
4. While my boys took turns mixing, I started adding the seasoning a little bit at a time until it was all in.
5. Mix for 5 minutes or until sticky.
6. Stuff into the 40MM X 18" Collagen Ring Bologna Casings that I had also purchased from Walton’s Inc.
7. I then hung the rings on my Sausage Rack Mini (SRM-1000) and let them rest on my garage overnight.
Smoking Instructions:
1. I cut ½” dowels to size and hung my bologna on the top rack of my #3.
2. Smoke with 4-6 Oz. of your choice of wood.
3. Smoke for 1 hour at 150°.
4. Smoke for 1 hour at 175°.
5. Smoke for 1 hour at 200°.
6. Add James Jerky Dryer.
7. Smoke for at 200° until the Ring Bologna hits an internal temperature of 160°.
8. Immediately spray with ice cold water, soak in an ice bath, or rest outside in 0° weather like I had the day I smoked my bologna.