Questioning Temp Probe

I am currently smoking a pork butt. Prior to this I have only done 3 smokes on my #2. First was meatloaf, second ribs, and third salmon. All three took longer than I expected by 1.5-3 hours.
Pigs (and other animals we eat for that matter), being agricultural products can vary quite a bit from one to the next in muscle structure. I have found wide variations in cooking time between butts (1.5 hours/pound all the way up to nearly 3 hours/pound). Briskets can also vary. Sometimes it's just the animal. Maybe your piggy got more exercise!  ;D Internal temperature is what's important. I just plan on at least 2 hours/pound + 2 hour rest, and if it's done early, it can be wrapped and kept warm, then rested. Butts just seem to get better.
You are SO dead-on, Kari!  Meat is made by animals, one at a time!  While all pork will have "similar" characteristics, it is certainly NOT all the same, every time!  Some folks want a "cookie cutter" cook, every time, and that just ain't gonna happen with BBQ!  Even as accurate, and easy, as it is in the SI, there's still variables beyond our control.  Never know if you're going to get Porky Schwarzenegger, or Porky Couch Potato!  ;) ;D
DivotMaker said:
You are SO dead-on, Kari!  Meat is made by animals, one at a time!  While all pork will have "similar" characteristics, it is certainly NOT all the same, every time!  Some folks want a "cookie cutter" cook, every time, and that just ain't gonna happen with BBQ!  Even as accurate, and easy, as it is in the SI, there's still variables beyond our control.  Never know if you're going to get Porky Schwarzenegger, or Porky Couch Potato!  ;) ;D

Tony, you sure about that?  :D

Science is amazing. For now I think I'm happy with the real meat and the science behind the SI smokers!
The easy reliable way is to check at two known points.  Your "zero" is a ice water bath, just fill a measuring cup with ice cube and top off with water, stir.  The water will be for all practical purposes 32. d.f.  Your "span" will be boiling water, cup of water heated in microwave and it should read 212 d.f.  If you do this and the instrument checks out it's highly unlikely it would be incorrect at any other temp. that would be used to cook food.