Pulled Pork - Two Butts are Better than One!

Geoff, everyone here is pretty aware of Meathead and his Dust. In fact Tony was the first to post and credit Meathead http://smokinitforums.com/index.php?topic=1948.0
Hey Guys, when I posted the rub recipe, I didn't realize that it was already posted earlier this year. The difference between the two posts is that my version doesn't include salt while Ed's version has salt in it.  Credit goes to Ed on this one and I may even remove my rub post as there is no need to have a duplicate recipe on the site.

In regards to the pulled pork, it turned out great, but I tried something different this time around.  My wife and kids don't like eating any of the fat so I have to trim it off before shredding after the smoke. Not to lose any of the great flavour and moisture that the fat adds to the pork, I put all the fat in a pan then slowly cooked it down on low heat to render the fat to a liquid, then poured the liquid over the pork. This added additional flavour and moisture back to the shredded pork.
Hey Tony, the brine did make a difference but not as much as it did on the brisket. On the next one, I will smoke two butts at the same time, one brined and the other without, then I do a side by side comparison.

Overall, the both turned out great and very moist.
Try one without the wrapped rest in the fridge after brining (no matter what the book says)...just for funzies!  I see a pretty good difference in the finished butt.  Also, I take mine out at 196-198, as they'll rise over 200 while resting in the cooler.  I find they stay more moist, and there's no loss of tenderness at all. 
I believe your post brine, rest or no rest issue, is less important with a butt as compared to say a turkey. The butt is going to be pulled mixed and remixed. If the outer inch has a higher salt content than the interior it is not noticeable as it would be on a slices of turkey breast.

If he had his brined butts on a rack/pan and covered with plastic wrap they did not evaporate any moisture. As you have said. "All meat is different" or words to that affect.

All meat is improved by a brine but, even the best brine wont make all meat perfect.
Agreed, Brian.  You're absolutely right - all meat is different - even from the same animal!  Sometimes you just get a bad cut.  I've had butts that didn't turn out as expected, even following the "tried and true" methods!  I guess that's what makes our hobby/addiction to rewarding - and frustrating; we can't control everything, no matter how hard we try!  Sometimes, the meat has its own agenda. ;)
Don't get me wrong, both butts were tender and juicy. We have been eating it for the past two days and my wife can't get enough of it. I personally am a bit too hard on myself at times in terms of expectations.  I do have to say, even when I reheat, it is still tender and juicy.

Now for tomorrow, I'm going to have to change it up, I'm thinking a half pound grilled beef burger, topped with half pound pulled pork, bacon and grilled onions.  Just what the doctor ordered (me to not eat).
Smokster said:
Now for tomorrow, I'm going to have to change it up, I'm thinking a half pound grilled beef burger, tops with half pound pulled pork, bacon and grilled onions.  Just what the doctor ordered (me to not eat).

I just drooled on my keyboard. :o
If there are rules, Tony, you definitely have our permission to break them!  Just keep coming up with ideas like that sandwich! ;)
DivotMaker said:
If there are rules, Tony, you definitely have our permission to break them!  Just keep coming up with ideas like that sandwich! ;)
Now you got me thinking. I'll have to create something new, then I'll post it and call it "The DivotMaker" sandwich. ...It will put a 'dent' in your appetite.
Smokster said:
DivotMaker said:
If there are rules, Tony, you definitely have our permission to break them!  Just keep coming up with ideas like that sandwich! ;)
Now you got me thinking. I'll have to create something new, the I'll post it and call it "The DivotMaker" sandwich. ...It will put a 'dent' in your appetite.

I'd be very honored, T!  Just make sure folks know it's yours, not mine!  Credit where credit's due! ;D
Smokster said:
Now for tomorrow, I'm going to have to change it up, I'm thinking a half pound grilled beef burger, topped with half pound pulled pork, bacon and grilled onions.  Just what the doctor ordered (me to not eat).

That sounds excellent. My doctors would probably shoot me if I ate that. But my wife's a doctor, and she'd probably eat one of those with me. Well, probably a smaller burger and less pulled pork, but still.  :)