Potluck Dinner - Cooked on various cookers

RG 2.0

New member
Every once in a while I like to do a bunch of cooking at once. Eat some of it and vac seal & freeze the rest for quick meals in the future. Today we did some cooking and ate a little bit of everything! My Wife even got in on the action. She wanted to test out a recipe for the party we're having in June. She lit up her Keg 5000 and grilled ip some skewers of chicken, mushrooms, red pepper and pineapples. All marinated in sesame oil, soy, ginger and some other odds and ends.

While she was doing that, I had a rack of St. Louis trimmed spares on the Pit Boss Pellet Grill. I marinated them over night in root beer and applied a Memphis rub my Wife had made up from the last batch of ribs she did. Smoked with Maple Pellets. Half the rack I kept dry and the other half was mopped in a root beer BBQ sauce I made up. I also made a pan of whiskey baked beans and put them on the Traeger, again with Maple Pellets. While all of that was happening, I cleaned out and reseasoned my Smokin-It #3. Not much else better than to smell smoke and lump charcoal burning out of 4 different cookers. I should've fired up the other 2 Kegs and the Pit Barrel and the Gasser just to stretch all of their legs, lol.

Also made time to simmer a pot of brisket chili all day, stirring here and there and the house smelled wonderful! The picture of the pot of chili looks terrible, it doesn't do it justice! Mrs. RG fired up her new kitchen toy, the air fryer which uses VERY little oil and does a pretty dang good job. She cut up some taters for homemade fries. So, we had all of the skewered stuff, ribs, beans, fries and chili. It felt like we were at a buffet, lol.

Into the fridge will go the beans and chili, vac seal tomorrow. I like to let it chill for a bit before freezing. It always tastes better the next day ;)






jcboxlot said:
Looks great, I swear you have a special (red meat) lens filter on your camera:)
LOL! There are many tricks of the trade and they get expensive. I know none of the tricks and I am not willing to spend the money on special lenses. My Brother In Law has cameras and lenses that cost as much as a car but he is a professional photographer. I am just a fat dude taking pictures of food. I don't photograph everything I cook and not everything I cook looks photo worthy, trust me on that. Let's just say I know when there's a good photo op. Some food just begs to have a picture taken, some......not so much :P

Luckily I can make pretty decent grub and take a pretty decent picture here and there.