Napoletana Pizzas (and others) on The Keg

RG 2.0

New member
Normally when I decide to do pizzas, I plan it a day or 2 ahead and will make the dough and let it cold proof in the fridge for a day or two. I was supposed to go to my Sister's house tonight to take my Wife's Kayak (and my Wife, lol) over to paddle around the lake my Sister lives on. Well, plans changed and I didn't have anything ready to cook tonight so the idea struck me at about 10:30 this morning to make some pies. So make pies I did!

It was a rare occasion where my Son was going to be here so I decided to make a few different pizzas. I had been wanting a simple Neapolitan pie so today seemed like the day to make it. I made a half batch of my dough recipe which would yield 4 skins averaging about 10-12 inches I guess. I also made up 1.5 quarts of fresh sauce (Greg's recipe - it's fantastic!). I had my beautiful Wife fire up her keg and set it up for pizza baking. She got it going and adjusted the vents to give us 650° dome temp. Perfect for my dough!

I made 2 Napoletana pies which is just dough, sauce, sliced fresh mozz, fresh basil and a drizzle of EVOO. Simple perfection! I didn't have much in the fridge for toppings so I found some Canadian Bacon and diced it up and put it on one of the pies along with sliced provolone and shredded mozz and a few pinches of fresh mozz. The other pie I put sliced provolone, pulled pork from last night's cook and also shredded and fresh mozz.

My Wife randomly was taking pictures while waiting on the next pie on deck to be made. Take a peek why don't you? :)

Greg's Fresh San Marzano Sauce

Dough After Proofing

Getting Ready For Toppings

Pre Keg

Post Keg (Smells AMAZING!!)

Pulled Pork Pre Keg

Pulled Pork Post Keg

Canadian Bacon

3 of the 4 pies (the other Neapolitan was devoured before a group photo could be taken!)

Nice color on that crust!

All that remains of 4 pies ;) 

Now my belly is full. My pizza making partner is happy so I am more than happy ;) Time to go watch a movie with her on the couch I suppose. Have a great evening my SI brothers and sisters!