FrankieQ's said:
Will do gunman9, just feels weird smoking something over 225. But I need to get used to this smoker as all are different. It puts smoke flavor in food, something my pellet one does not. I just need a cart of some sort.
I don't think you'll find many here who smoke over 225 for beef and pork. Some might go 235 for ribs or butt at the high end. 275 is very unusual (unless you are smoking poultry). If you are starting out, I would keep to 225/235 temp suggestions and get some smokes under your belt. Then if you want to experiment after that, you can try 275 and you'll have something to compare it to. But...other than speeding up the cook, I'm not sure what positive benefits 275 would have. And speeding up the cook is not positive benefit in my book. You don't want to rush BBQ. I would be afraid the higher temp would make the proteins contract more, thus squeezing out more juice and rendering too much fat. I'm going to stick with low and slow. 225 is tried and true, not just with the SI, but all over the world of BBQ. If you find 275 ends up producing an end product that you prefer, then by all means go with that. I personally don't see any reason to go there (and my #1 only goes to 250 anyway!
