Might be in over my head.......8 babies for the 3D


New member
In a couple of weeks I am cooking baby backs for the first time. There will be 20-25 people so planning on 8 racks with grilled chicken.
Wondering if this is reasonable for a 3D?
Has anyone tackled this many racks at once?
If so did your rearrange the racks during smoke?
Any advice is welcome.....thanks in advance.

Can't help with the amount you can fit into a 3D but I do ribs often for tailgate and reheat them on a grill when needed. Take them off a little to the early side.
Sounds like 4 grill racks worth to me.  Court, do you foil wrap your ribs? I think at least one swapping of the top with the bottom would be in order. 
Besides the pain of prep, that should work fine.  I'd also rotate too.

Check this out too, worth a look.

Thanks for the input gentlemen......I didn't plan on wrapping in foil but the more I ponder it the more I believe it will get me better results.

About a week ago, I did three racks of baby backs on the 3D.  Each grate will easily take two racks of ribs, so I don't think eight would be a problem.  I would go no-peak for 4-1/2 hours, and then open and toothpick test.  At that point, you might have a couple of them done enough to remove, wrap up in foil, and hold.  Then give it another half hour and test the rest.  I've found that two racks or three take the same amount of time.  Variations are mostly just how much meat is on the rack of ribs.
jcboxlot said:
I wrap w honey and brown sugar, top side down.

I'll second that if you ever want to try a wrap to finish.

Thanks Dave, thats the plan.....I feel that wrapping the babies will allow them to cook more evenly not to mention add flavor. Looking forward to this and pleasing quite a few people. Appreciate all the advice.
