Meat Temp Probe Question


New member
Hi Folks,

I have a new 3D that is fantastic (on my 5th smoke). 1 question.

My meat temperature probe seems to be running 7 to 15F too high.  Under cooked a few chickens last week. 

Now, have two turkey breasts on: one with the smoker meat probe and one with a ThermoWorks meat probe that I trust from past experience.

Smoker set at 250F.

At the start: both were pretty close with the smoker meat probe at a few degrees F higher. (Around 54F).

For the first hour to 2 hours into the smoke:  the smoker meat probe is running 15 to 20F higher than the ThermoWorks. (157F compared to 141 at 2 hours)

After 3 hours: the smoker meat probe is 175F verses 165F for the ThermoWorks.  Turkey breasts look golden and great.

I have not autotuned. Should I?

Any other suggestions?



Hi Ralph!  Glad you found us!  Sorry your first post is about a "problem!" 

There are several reasons your two probes could be reading differently.  First, if they are in different locations, they could be reading different.  Secondly, if one of them is close to bone, it could read different.  The only true way to tell is to test both probes.  First, test them in a glass of ice water and make sure they read 32°.  Next, test them in boiling water and make sure they read ~212°.  If the SI probe doesn't read those properly, you can program in an "offset" for the probe reading.  Let me know if you need to do that, and I'll help.

Now that you're here, how about telling us about yourself in the Introductions section (like smoking experience)?  You might also add Ralph, and your town, to your signature line (in the Forum Profile), so we remember who you are in every post.

Great to have you with us!! 8)
Thanks for the replies, men.  I appreciate it. 

I will test the probe as you suggested. 

My first brined turkey breasts were the best ever according to our thanksgiving crowd. The Lazy-Q manual is too good.

RBC2880 said:
My first brined turkey breasts were the best ever according to our thanksgiving crowd. The Lazy-Q manual is too good.


Thank you, very much, Ralph!  I appreciate that, and glad it helped!
Hi Folks:  Results of the probe test.

Summary:  Only a degree or so difference.

Checked both probes with ice water in a small yeti cup.  Meat probe bounced between 30F and 31F.  Mini ThermoWorks with meat probe attached zeroed in at 32.3 F.  Conclusion: Not much difference.

Same cup with boiling water.  Meat probe around 1 to 2 degrees higher than the Mini ThermoWorks.  Mini ThermoWorks changes temperature faster but the 1 to 2F difference stayed constant during the cup cool-down.  Conclusion: Meat probe higher but not by much.

Summary:  Good exercise with both probes reading temperatures about the same.  I bet my past problems involved the meat probe touching the bone.

Even with these small issues the meat turned out exceptional in both cases.

Thanks for the help.  Off to smoke some brined salmon for the first time.
