Maverick ET-733 issues


New member
When I first fire up the #2, the Maverick indicates a much higher box temp than what I have it set for. Example, today I set the smoker for 200 degrees. The box sensor is on the top rack to the side of the smoker but not touching it. Maverick indicated the temp climbed to 282 and now 45 minutes later it is finally down to 203. Maybe is that normal for the smoker on initial warm up to go so far passed its set point?

My internal meat temp has gone from 64 to 109 in the same time period. I have the meat probe in at an angle in the Tri tip with most of the probe in the meat. Is that right or wrong?

Suggestions please. Thanks in advance.
Not right nor wrong but also not necessary.  The heat sensor is only at the tip of the probe so any angle that results in the tip being in the center of the cut is sufficient.
Mike, try just dropping the temperature probe in the smoke hole. Just far enough so it is fully in the box. I find that is the most accurate. I have made tests putting it all over the box, and always got huge swings also. Trouble was every different location gave different readings.
Mike, with the stock analog controller, +/- 30° swings are not unheard of (and actually within specs).  Most are in the 15-20° range, but like I said, you're "within specs."  The thing is, that the temp, for the duration of the smoke, will "average out" to the set temp.  The only way to get really tight temps, without the swings, is to use a PID controller, like the Auber.  It's the nature of the beast, for analog controlled electric smokers.

As far as your meat probe placement:  I think you're OK, as long as the tip is in the middle of the thickest part of the meat.  Going to 100+, in 45 minutes on a tri-tip, is not out of the question.  They are not that big of a cut, and will heat fairly fast.  The temp should stabilize once the smoker settles down to an average temp.  Heat up will always spike a little more.
That's normal with the stock controller. If you switch to a heatermeter or auber PID controller you won't see those swings.
I understand all of those things guys and can live with an "average" of the set dial temp as long as the temp swing is within that 30 degree range. I am experiencing where the dial is set at 200 and it heats to 255 indicated by the Maverick and 248 by another thermometer dropped into the smoke hole. The setting is not accurate to get the right "average" . 

I have tried calibrating the dial by the instructions I found on the site, moving in small increments and then its too cool so I set it back to factory location.

My most recent "test, with no meat in smoker, dial set at 200 gave me a low of 189 and a high of 252. That is an average of 220.5 
At some point Mike you have to have a little faith that the stock controller is doing its job. I got very frustrated just like you because I over tested the temps looking for  the perfect location. I never found it. So I decided to use the smoke hole as my standard and never looked back.

Also, testing temps without a "load", like a brick, will never give accurate readings but will give huge swings.
Oh I know its a good smoker but the anal side of me is coming out. You may be right about not having a load in the smoker right now but that does not explain the same swings when I had a tri tip in their this afternoon...
When I have experienced wood combustion and then the big belch, I have seen the Maverick temp probe jump up to a very high temp, and then it comes back down as the box cools and after the analog controller shuts off.  After the initial heat up, then the Maverick stays within range (+/-25F) of the set temp.  Did you experience a belch within the first hour of smoking...or see intermittent puffs of smoke?
Ok, Just spoke with Steve, he said more than likely it is a faulty controller so that and the thermocouple needs to be replaced. He will send me another one but the last thing I should be doing with a smoker that is only 2 weeks old is tearing it apart to replace parts and having to re seal holes for a thermocouple.
teleskier said:
I understand all of those things guys and can live with an "average" of the set dial temp as long as the temp swing is within that 30 degree range. I am experiencing where the dial is set at 200 and it heats to 255 indicated by the Maverick and 248 by another thermometer dropped into the smoke hole. The setting is not accurate to get the right "average" . 

I have tried calibrating the dial by the instructions I found on the site, moving in small increments and then its too cool so I set it back to factory location.

My most recent "test, with no meat in smoker, dial set at 200 gave me a low of 189 and a high of 252. That is an average of 220.5 

Doing any type of test in an empty smoker is not recommended. You will for sure see large swings because there is nothing in the smoker to provide a heat sink. Even with your Tri-Tip since it a relatively thin smaller cut of meat your swings will be higher than normal much as would happen with an empty smoker.

I think it is quite possible that there is nothing wrong with your thermocouple or your smoker in general.

I gave up on caring about the temp swings and have had nothing but excellent results with my smoker.

Good luck with however you decide to proceed.
How does a 4 lb tri tip differ from a couple racks of baby back ribs as far affecting the temperature swings? Doesn't that logic follow that with anything but a loaded smoker you will get more swings in temperature?
I think what Greg is saying is that swings are expected and it doesn't matter since the controller is designed to average out to the selected temperature. Like Greg, once I accepted that fact, I measured the temp at the smoke hole and really don't pay much attention to it now. It's more for my comfort to know that it's still heating. It goes up and down but I don't care. Everything comes out great.
  My 2 cents, from the FAQ section.

Q: How much variation does the rheostat have?

A: The temperature can sway 30+ degrees either way from the set point. This is caused by heat still being produced by the wood box after the rheostat has been turned off. This is normal in any electric smoker.