Little Guy Burn In!

DivotMaker said:
NDKoze said:
I echo the sentiments about going with the Boston Butt.

Try Divotmaker's pork butt brine (Tony, I think this one should be a sticky):

Thanks Gregg!  I'll make it a sticky, if no one objects!  Don't want anyone thinking I'm just tooting my own horn!
Hey Tony, wouldn't it be better to have 2 sticky notes, one in pork and one in injection, brines area also?
Thank you Gregg! I'll have to be honest though...being new to forums (this is the first and only one I happen to be a member of) can you tell me what a "sticky" is.

Ken, when I joined this forum, we had 155 members.  I had joined a few forums before, but never really participated; they were ones that I was seeking an answer to a car/electronics/etc. problem. 

When I joined here, that all changed!  I had a Little Guy, and was so impressed with how it actually worked, I couldn't get enough of the learning offered here!  Fast forward 2+ years, and I'm so proud of how far we've come!  What I'm trying to say is that you will learn how this all works as you go.  Steve told you what a "sticky" is, so now you know!  That's how we roll, around here - we all started out new to this, so we help each other learn the basics!

Feel free to ask anything about how to do things; you'll only receive help, not criticism, around here!  Any time you have a question that you don't want to post, feel free to send me a private message (or "PM").  New word for the day - PM! ;)
Thanks so much Tony! Hey, I've never been afraid to ask questions. I can plainly see the passion that everyone in this forum holds. I think it's great! I didn't get my butt smoke in today as I would have liked, but I did pull off a nice batch of smoked King salmon that I caught on the Nushagak River in Alaska last month. Thanks again Tony!! I'm looking forward to making some new friends while learning a ton about the "art" (and it is an art) of smoking.
Hey Ken, did you take pictures of the smoke with the fish? Would have liked to seen them. I bet that salmon was really good.
  I'm sorry but I didn't document the salmon smoke, but I will photograph the next one. As a matter of fact, when I smoke the next batch, the photo documentation will start with me holding one of the Kings in my hands in the boat and end with me cooling the end product on my kitchen counter.
    My new Model#1 is my first ever smoker, but I actually had gotten pretty good (after some trial and error) at smoking salmon on my Weber Genesis gas grill. But salmon is the ONLY thing I've ever smoked, so I'm pretty excited to throw a piece of pork or beef in that Little Guy!
Hey Ken, Now you have another excuse to go fishing again. Just tell the boss you need to get some pictures. ::) So far in my #1 have smoked 2 slabs of ribs, a chuck roast that I pulled, a Boston Butt that I pulled and 2 containers of beans, own recipe of sorts. I finally have purchased mine a cart to rest on. Was tired of standing on my head to do anything with it. I used the seville cart from Sam's Club. Worked great.