Jerky Dryer: Keep the dryer operating from start to finish?


Just a bit of clarification...
There seems to be two phases to the James Jerky Dryer Instructions.
Phase 1:  2-4 hours to get to a temp of 160°F.
Phase 2:  145-150°F for 3-5 additional hours making sure the air is circulating. (this sorta sounds like when you add the dryer).

Should we keep the dryer operating from start to finish, including the smoke time (both phases 1 and 2)?
Or add the dryer at phase 2?



Airchair said:
Start the jerky at 140-150 for 2 hours.
Then I throw the James jerky dryer on it for another 4-6 hours.

DivotMaker said:
For jerky, I smoke for 2 hours without the fan, then add the fan. 
If you run the fan during the smoke phase, it burns the wood up in no time, due to the high airflow. 
Smoke, and then dry, works for me.

NDKoze said:
Smoke at 145-150 for the whole time.
Do not turn the dryer on for two hours.
You don't want the fan on during the smoking phase as all of the extra oxygen that will get pumped in will likely cause your 1.5-2.0 ounces of wood chips (chunks may have trouble smoking at these lower temps) to combust and start burning instead of smoking which is NOT what you want.
If the Jerky Drier came with instructions, I never read them. I run the fan from the start of the smoke until I remove all the meat.

What I do different than most is smoke at a very low to me. To me 100F makes perfect jerky it is dried not cooked.
Pork Belly said:
If the Jerky Drier came with instructions, I never read them. I run the fan from the start of the smoke until I remove all the meat.

What I do different than most is smoke at a very low to me. To me 100F makes perfect jerky it is dried not cooked.

Hi Brian,

If I had the time, I would probably use 100 degrees, but when I make jerky my smoker is pretty full and smoking at 100 degrees would take way too long for me. Even at the 145-150 that I usually use it takes a minimum of 8 hours before I can start selectively pulling out some of the thinner pieces, and then I check and pull pieces that are done every couple of hours. I think the last time that I made jerky in my #3 it took me somewhere between 12-14 hours before I was completely finished with that last of the thicker pieces. I usually try to slice my jerky around 1/4" thick, so they are not super thick pieces by any means.

How long do your smokes last at 100 degrees?

My first thought about you leaving your jerky fan on the whole time was that I would think the extra air flowing through the smoker during the smoking phase would cause your wood to start on fire. But, maybe at 100 degrees this doesn't happen I guess?
I just did a 100 F smoke, I tried the fan on from start to finish, and the chips burnt up very quickly, so I added more, and did not use the fan while smoking.  I turned the temp up a little, till I got smoke then back down to 100F, did that off and on for about 2 hours, then put the fan on.

Like NDKoze said, it took  along time for everything to be done, mich longer than 12 hours for the last piece.
I just made my 1st batch of jerky with the dryer recently and didn't bother to look for directions because I don't need no steeking directions! I left the dryer on the whole time and I noticed the top rack seemed to have not gotten nearly as much smoke as the others did, guessing possibly because the fan was pulling it out quickly? I'm thinking next time I'll smoke for 2-3 hrs before turning the fan on.
Hey Greg I don't recall not being able to finish a jerky smoke in a day. I start them in the morning and finish before bed.

Whenever I have the time I use the slicer so I have uniform thickness I'm sure that helps.