Iphone 13+ Not Connecting to the 3.5D WiFi Gen 2

Hi Smokin-it Gang:
I have my 3.5D WiFi Gen 2 about 3 weeks now. Absolutely love it, and hands down best smoker out there! (In my opinion).
However, I have been able to connect the app with no problem on my Iphone 8 and my 2 year old I pad. As a matter of fact I have an Auber PID, and I can also connect without any issues on those devices.
But, when I attempt to connect my IPhone 13+, I am able to add a new device to it, however I get a constant hour glass showing that it's "Loading", but that's it. I never actually connects to the smoker and I have no ability to control it.
Would appreciate any help or if any of you out there have experienced the same.
Thanks, Art
Welcome Art from SE Arizona. The SI Smokers are indeed great. Sorry I cannot help with your issue but at least you are up and running with the older phone.  Does your model 8 run the same version of IOS as your new phone?  If not, the problem MAY have something to do with newer version IOS.   
Thanks Old Sarge for the Welcome and the reply. You may have hit upon the problem as the versions of IOS are in fact different on the Iphone 8 and 13. Guess I just need to wait till a new version of IOS comes out and hope that resolves the issue. But, like you said at least I can control the smoker with the older phone. Much appreciated!
Hi Art,

Can you try to turn off cell service on your iphone 13 and only turn on Wifi?  I am just wondering if the new software is switching to cell during the setup.

Hey Ben:
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it, and still no success. I also just received notice of an IOS update, and then updated. Tried again, and still no success. It's really weird, I put the smoker into pairing mode and all goes well and the rapid blinking blue light stops when the smoker is installed. When I open the app and select the smoker all I get is "Loading". Maybe it's just an I-phone 13 thing. Any way....Thanks for the input!
Hey Art,

I will check with our developer and see if they have a solution.  Thanks for the quick update.

Hey Art,

Our developer came back and said to make sure that you have location on, and mark if for precise location.  I have attached a screen shot from an iPhone 13Pro with ios 15.1.  Please let me know if that helps.



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Thanks for the input, but no change. Actually the screen shot is how I had my I-phone set. Based upon your screen shot I'm assuming someone is using the I-phone 13+ to successfully control the smoker. If so, then it must be some other setting I need to change.
Appreciate the help!
This is an update and a fix that I found to the issue of the I-phone 13 Pro Max not connecting to the Smokin-it Wi-Fi.
I found that a few of my apps were not working on my new I-Phone 13 Pro Max. I had upgraded from an I-Phone 8+, and used the the Apple transfer process of my apps from the 8 to the 13. The fix for me was to delete any apps that were not functioning, and then go to the Apple App Store and download the app again and go thru the setup process. Once completed all the apps worked as intended.
Hope this helps anyone who encounters the same problem.
Happy Smokin!
Thanks for posting your version of the fix. Sometime applications need a re-fresh or fresh install.  I know when my iMac gets a new OS I end up with a folder of old items no longer valid as they are replaced with new.  Must be similar with the iPhone when you make a huge jump from 8 to 13.
Is there a way to connect to my wifi smoker when I am away from the wifi it is on. For example, I am smoking pork butts and leave the house and want to check on what the probes are reading…how do I do that?
Hi Smokin-it Gang:
I have my 3.5D WiFi Gen 2 about 3 weeks now. Absolutely love it, and hands down best smoker out there! (In my opinion).
However, I have been able to connect the app with no problem on my Iphone 8 and my 2 year old I pad. As a matter of fact I have an Auber PID, and I can also connect without any issues on those devices.
But, when I attempt to connect my IPhone 13+, I am able to add a new device to it, however I get a constant hour glass showing that it's "Loading", but that's it. I never actually connects to the smoker and I have no ability to control it.
Would appreciate any help or if any of you out there have experienced the same.
Thanks, Art
I'm an android man so take this as you will... Are both the phone and the WIFI controller on the same network and is the network on the 2.4 Gig setting. I struggled with this in the past and found that was the issue...