I had some weird things with my Auber this weekend cooking butts. First of all, I had (4) 9 lb butts in my SI#2. Never done this many before and I was thinking that I might have "overloaded" it. I was using both the permanent box probe and the meat probe. I put the meat probe in one of the butts near the top and put my Maverick probe in one of the butts on the bottom and set the alarm for 165 deg (I wanted to wrap them at 165 and then finish the cook). I clipped (with a small binder clip) the other Maverick probe to the top flange of the cooking grate support and angled the probe out into the box. The permanent probe and the Maverick probe were probably 2-3" apart near the top of the smoker. I set the Auber for 225 deg. After about 2 hours, the Auber was reading about 205 degrees and the red lights on the Auber & the SI were on constantly indicating the the element was on constantly. The weird thing was that the Maverick probe was reading about 245 deg. I assumed that my permanent probe had become flakey.
According to the Maverick, the bottom butts reached 165 deg in 5 hours. I pulled them all out and wrapped them. I put the bottom butts on the top and vice versa. This time, I put the Auber meat probe in one of the bottom butts and the Maverick probe in one of the top ones. I set the Auber for 225 deg and programmed it to run until the meat temp reached 195 deg. 4 hours later this was the case and I took the butts out.
I then smoked some Mac & cheese and this time I put the Maverick probe through a ball of aluminum foil and placed it on the top rack. This time the Maverick and the Auber were reading within a degree or two of each other.
This is not the first time that the Auber has seemed to work inconsistently. When I first got it, it seemed to hold the temp within a degree or two. The previous two smokes (ribs & salmon) the temp swing has been more like 10 degrees or so.
My plan is to remove the permanent probe from the SI, boil some water, plug the probe into the Auber and see if it is reading 212 (I'll check all of the probes including Auber meat probe and the Maverick probes to make sure that they are all reading correctly). That way I'll know if my probes are accurate or not.
The next thing that I intend to do is put the permanent probe back into the SI and then do some test smokes with a "dummy load" of sorts. What have you guys used for "dummy loads"? I used a couple of concrete bricks wrapped in foil for calibrating the Auber. Is there something that would be better? Maybe a pan filled with wet sand?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.