Inconsistancy and lack of confidence


New member
I'm reaching a point of frustration with my Auber and how it picks and chooses which smokes to behave and which ones it seems to have a mind of its own.  Today, it is just flat being a PITA.  It is wanting to hold temps 20 degrees below the program set with 6 racks of ribs in the box.  If I increase the set temp by 5 degrees, the temp goes up 5 degrees but still holds - 20.  If it was 1 out of 10, I might just blow it off but I think I'm more like 3 out of 10 for poor performance.  Not acceptable IMO. 
This sounds very similar to the problem I had with my original Auber.  Only did it on ribs ( no IT probe ).  Wouldn't come to programmed temp (20 degrees below).  That was when I did an autotune and had some very funky numbers.  Worked fine with probe 2 running but ribs--uh, uh.
Must be moon phases. My Auber keeps flashing AL and AH with alternating temp at 300+. Of course I am trying to get a butt done. Having the bypass switch saved my proverbial bacon though.  :)
What model are you using, Dave?  I have been using the old 1503CPH for a couple of years, and it performs absolutely flawlessly.  I have a 1200GPH also, and have noticed a few weird quirks with it.  I haven't seen anything like you're talking about, but it just doesn't seem to perform like the 1503.  The 1200 I have is one of the very early ones, and I had to manually reset the autotune when it completed.  I'm going to put the permanent probe in my Model 1 and really dig into this unit.  I'm not sure what Auber changed in the programming, but they need to go back to what worked with the old model.
OK Dave, so it's the 4th generation model (the new one).  I thought it probably was, but wanted to confirm.  Does it only do this when using one probe?
I put the second probe in yesterday to see if that made a difference and it didn't.  If there is a commonality to the weird behavior I haven't figured it out yet.  As I mentioned above, just random.  When it works right, nothing better but when it doesn't, it really pisses a guy off. 
I had weirdness on my 1200 this weekend too. Flashing AL and AH alternately with the box temp showing 309. Of course in the middle of a smoke. Haven't figured mine out either. Maybe next weekend.  :(
Bob, yours I can answer providing your box temp really hit 309.  The Auber has preset high temp limits and if you exceed them, the alarm goes off.  I discovered this when I inadvertently plugged the meat probe into the box probe port and it registered 230.  I think the high temp limit on the meat probe is set at something like 200. 
If the box was at 309 I want to keep my 700w element!  :) I was getting these readings right after I turned the box on. I am wondering if I have a bad element. It is the kind that is in the box permanently so I hope it is not that. I don't want to take it back out and I will have some doubts on the longevity since it was a permanently installed sensor.
Bob, when it started flashing the Alarm Low and Alarm High codes, and showing 309, did you try to unplug it and cycle the power?  Sounds like a computer glitch.  I remember Drippings (Jeff from Florida) with the same issue last April ('14) - he even video'd it.  Turns out, the Auber had to be replaced - not the sensor.  This wasn't posted - all PMs, but it was similar to what you're seeing.  You might PM drippings.
One thing that I thought was a little different in my smoke this weekend was the amount of steam coming out of the exhaust port.  I had a big tin of water on my smoke box lid and I thought I couldn't remember ever seeing that much steam come out.  The Auber seemed to be working at the very end of my smoke, about the time the water pan would have been empty.  So, I'm leaning on a theory that the high steam was somehow messing with the sensor.  I'm thinking I should try a dry, simulated smoke and see if the Auber behaves. 
I usually see a lot of steam with ribs or butts, and have never had it effect the sensor, but a test is worth a shot!
Dave, are you using the wall mounted temperature probe?  If so, do you have the right probe for your model controller?  I know the current wall mounted probe advertised on the Smokin-It store sight is not the right probe, according to Auber, for the PIDs they sell.  I posted the following under Auber Instructions:
TexasSMK said:
Dave, are you using the wall mounted temperature probe?  If so, do you have the right probe for your model controller?  I know the current wall mounted probe advertised on the Smokin-It store sight is not the right probe, according to Auber, for the PIDs they sell.  I posted the following under Auber Instructions:

Dale, the one they sell is right for the model Auber they now sell.  You cannot interchange them; different plugs.  If he had the wrong probe, he wouldn't be able to use it.  The site has been corrected for awhile now:

Well the good news is that with the smoke I did this weekend, the Auber worked fine. No alarms and controlled like a champ. Now I am confused. I hate gremlins.  :o
I think I'll start a journal with rack pictures to see what if anything is common on the days it doesn't perform.