

New member
Hello from wonderful and cold Ft Drum,NY. Just ordered the #2 tonight and can't wait to get it! I have been using my Weber Smoky Mountain for the last 4 years and have decided to convert to electric for year round smoking. It's cold up here and don't feel like tending to a fire anymore. Great being a part of the forum and can't wait for the dialogue that follows. Regards
Welcome Brian, you have found the right place for excellent electric smokers!  And don't worry about cold weather...the SI smokers works very well even on the coldest of days (or nights)!  Cheers
Thank you for the reply! I am looking forward to a long and exciting experience with all of you die hard smokers! I have been dabbling with it for the last few years and have done pretty well with my weber smoky mountain but am ready for the change. Take care
Welcome Brian from ND!

Like others have said, cold weather is no problem for the Smokin-It smokers. I have smoked in -20 degree weather and not had a problem.

It is so nice to monitor the temps with my Maverick from the comfort of my recliner. :)
Thanks for the replies everybody. There has been a slight delay in my receiving the #2 as the lake effect snow machine is in full swing here around ft drum ny. I was eagerly awaiting its rival however , UPS is understandably running a little behind. Will advise when I recieve it he I am sure I will have questionsi for all of you. Thanks and take care.
Welcome Brian,
Last year I started a smoke,turned on my thermometer and it read 7 deg inside the smoker,, ribs turned out great, LOL  You will be good to go for year round smoking up there,, and you will love the ease of not having to watch the smoker like a hawk...
Let us know how it goes,,