Hello from new member


New member
Hello everyone! I'm John and I'm a newbie at this forum.
I live in the UK, London with my family. Working as a technical writer.
I love meat: grilled, smoked, etc. And I like to try new recipes when I'm cooking it. I think I can find new recipes here :)
Besides cooking, I like watching movies, playing video games, fishing, and kayaking.
I like pets. We have a dog, Milo, and a cat, Summer. They are our family members.
Nice to meet you all here. I'm glad to be a new member of this community.
Have a great day!
P.S. Added the info about me into my signature after reading a thread about names and introductions :)
Welcome from ND John!

Have you already purchased a smoker? Or are you still researching?

Either way, you have found the right place.