Hello, it's Nicholas from Sunny Seattle! Excited to be here! Ordered my #2D-WiFi with the Bella CSG on Friday and just got it today (Tues.). Wow talk about fast service! Some initial thoughts/issues...
PROS: Steve (that guy's awesome!), the box-in-box it shipped in (talk about protected!), the super heavy duty smoker build, the Bella (wow does that put out some smoke even on 50%), and folks on these forums who seem very supportive!
CONS: After 5 min or so, my 2D would trip the GFCI. Tried several times with no luck. Moved to another GFCI outlet on a different circuit and had the same behavior. Smoker comes on at full power but the GFCI would trip after a couple minutes. I spoke with Steve and he suggested I try a non-GFCI circuit which I did using 2 long heavy duty extension cords (Steve said that was OK for the test) and that works although the light in my garage workroom which share that circuit are flickering occasionally so that's not a great sign. I'm doing the initial 4-hr burn in on that non-GFCI circuit. Hoping something wet in the smoker might dry up during the burn-in and "fix" itself but seems like a real long shot. [post burn-in update: tried the GFCI outlet again and now they trip immediately so definitely didn’t get better.] I've read lots of posts about electrical things in the smoker to check but most of those are way above my level of understanding. I'll have an electrician come out and look at the GFCI and look at running a dedicated circuit.
Anyways -- fingers crossed this gets sorted out cuz the family is getting excited for LOTS of smokes!

Anyways -- fingers crossed this gets sorted out cuz the family is getting excited for LOTS of smokes!