Hello from NC

Foothills Jim

New member
Hello everyone. Just received my new #1 a few days ago and have it seasoning now. I'm replacing a MES30 that I've used since 2008. My MES stopped heating after about 6 hours of smoking some pork. I didn't want to continue repairing it so the #1 seemed like a good choice for me, big enough to smoke what my wife and I can eat but small enough to take camping.

Our regular smoking is usually pork pulled for BBQ (usually pork sirloin roast), meatloaf, mac & cheese, bologna (1/3 ish pound slices), and Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage. We'd probably smoke more but two old people can only eat so much! My wife likes brisket but none of mine have turned out as good as I would have hoped, guess I'll have to crack the code on that.

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend.

Welcome Jim from SE Arizona. Pulling part of your post: "We'd probably smoke more but two old people can only eat so much! "
I know what you mean. And besides age, there are the lectures from the doctor!! I have repeatedly educated the medicos that beer cancels out the bad. So far they aren't buyngit. So I just give the Good Lord thanks and have it it. In moderation. Enjoy the #1!
Thanks for the welcome. Cloudy here this morning but supposed to turn sunny and warm up later. Planning on smoking some bologna this afternoon for a first smoke in my #1. Will post results. David, those docs told us the same thing about eating smoked meats, they just don't know how good it is! I cut back on a lot of unhealthy stuff but I've got to draw the line somewhere.