Group Effort Dinner

RG 2.0

New member
The good thing about having a wife that cook her tail off and a son that's a Sous Chef is that we can knock out some grub like a professional kitchen (well maybe not,lol). My wife took some pork belly and cooked some on the pelletizer and some in the oven. The outdoor belly was made for pork belly burnt ends while the inside belly (oven) was meant for sammiches. Here's her work :

On the Pit Boss

After a BBQ sauce bath

Crispy belly out of the oven

The crispy pork belly was served with sun dried tomato pesto, lettuce, tomato, avocado slices, and mayo on sourdough. It's a very filling sandwich.

Yesterday I bought the ingredients to make coffee ice cream which is odd since I normally am not a coffee ice cream eater, lol. It just sounded good! I figured that since I was going to make it, I might as well make it the best I could so I didn't go the instant coffee route. I used actual Kona Coffee Beans, let them steep in my ice cream base and even put some fresh ground beans in the mix as well!

My son made a Butter Pecan base last night and went all out. He pan roasted some pecans with sea salt, brown sugar and regular white sugar. They were delicious on their own! He used about a half pound of unsalted butter and "browned" it to make the base, which like my coffee base, was a custard style (with eggs). I made both ice creams this morning but failed to take pictures of the Butter Pecan. I was distracted with other goings on at the time I guess.

Here's what the Kona Coffee Bean looked like :

Hunka Hunka Churnin' Love

The usual suspects

The money shot, lol

I had thought my son took some pics of his ice cream but alas he didn't. It looks good, just imagine it and you'll be fine :P

As always, thanks for humoring me :)
Should have stopped after the burnt ends picture!!!!  ;).. WOW that looks like a great meal..
I have a real ice cream problem (can't stop eating it) and the pecan/coffee mix sounds great
kona77 said:
Should have stopped after the burnt ends picture!!!!  ;).. WOW that looks like a great meal..
I have a real ice cream problem (can't stop eating it) and the pecan/coffee mix sounds great

That coffee ice cream is no joke! I am amazed at how much I like it. I guess that the store bought ice cream versions are just not what I liked but THIS one is really good. I think I can now call myself a coffee ice cream fan :P

I bet you'd like it, considering I used KONA beans, lol
RG said:
That coffee ice cream is no joke! I am amazed at how much I like it. I guess that the store bought ice cream versions are just not what I liked but THIS one is really good. I think I can now call myself a coffee ice cream fan :P

I have to get an ice cream maker and figure out how to make sugar free ice cream...  buying it from the store is expensive and many brands have no clue how to make sugar free.  I'm a huge coffee geek (full coffee bar and roast the beans myself) and would totally go for some coffee flavored ice cream.
LarryD said:
RG said:
That coffee ice cream is no joke! I am amazed at how much I like it. I guess that the store bought ice cream versions are just not what I liked but THIS one is really good. I think I can now call myself a coffee ice cream fan :P

I have to get an ice cream maker and figure out how to make sugar free ice cream...  buying it from the store is expensive and many brands have no clue how to make sugar free.  I'm a huge coffee geek (full coffee bar and roast the beans myself) and would totally go for some coffee flavored ice cream.

That's one thing I've always wanted to try, roasting my own beans, but never got around to trying it. As for sugar free, I wish consumers could buy sugar alcohol, that's carb friendly and from my understanding, diabetic friendly. I know it's what's used in Breyer's Carb Smart ice cream and in all of the Atkin's Candy. I bet it would be good in ice cream!
Coffee ice cream is my favorite!

You can get sugar alcohols from Amazon in about 1 kilo packages.  Personally I like tagatose better than erythritol, but too much of any of them can cause gastric distress. I haven’t tried making ice cream with tagatose but I should!  That’s a good idea.
RG said:
That's one thing I've always wanted to try, roasting my own beans, but never got around to trying it.

It's stupid easy to get started...  all you need is some good green coffee and an appropriate style hot air popcorn popper.  That will let you make about 1/4 lb at a time which you may quickly outgrow.  You can buy pre-built appliances for roasting or you can build your own.  I use a setup called an SCTO.  You can setup one of those for under $150 and it will roast a full pound at a time.

If you ever want to get serious about giving it a try just give me a yell and I can point you to all kinds of resources and answer questions.  I've been home roasting for well over a decade now.
LarryD said:
RG said:
That's one thing I've always wanted to try, roasting my own beans, but never got around to trying it.

It's stupid easy to get started...  all you need is some good green coffee and an appropriate style hot air popcorn popper.  That will let you make about 1/4 lb at a time which you may quickly outgrow.  You can buy pre-built appliances for roasting or you can build your own.  I use a setup called an SCTO.  You can setup one of those for under $150 and it will roast a full pound at a time.

If you ever want to get serious about giving it a try just give me a yell and I can point you to all kinds of resources and answer questions.  I've been home roasting for well over a decade now.

I am game! Any info you can share, I'm all ears eyes, lol!
If you ever want to get serious about giving it a try just give me a yell and I can point you to all kinds of resources and answer questions.  I've been home roasting for well over a decade now.

I am game! Any info you can share, I'm all ears eyes, lol!

Just got a couple posts put up in Anything Goes...  will be adding more, probably this weekend.